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From the author: About the situation in the field of rehabilitation of addicts. According to my calculations, the statistics are approximately as follows: in Moscow and the region alone, right now more than 1000 people are undergoing forced “rehabilitation”. At the same time, in all of Russia, only about 40-50 people undergo professional, high-quality rehabilitation in healthy rehabilitation centers. I’m not talking about the controversial issue of state drug treatment institutions, and I’m not talking about court-ordered treatment - we practically don’t have this and for several important reasons we can’t have it yet. Organizations that made a business out of violence began to cultivate a symptom complex called “codependency” among relatives of addicted people, and thus create a demand for violence. Thus, they literally interfere with the implementation of the mission of real professionals who sincerely care about the cause and comply with moral and ethical standards. I don't think it was a conspiracy. At first, they simply justified their activities and lured clients into the business. Now it is a mass phenomenon. Everything that Moskalenko, Novikova, Savina, Protsenko and a few others have done in the field of sobering up relatives who are addicted in Russia in 25 years has been leveled out today. Almost every day I communicate with mothers (less often with fathers) who simply do not understand that there are other options, they are sure that violence is possible and that it works, it helps. This did not happen ten or even five years ago. In Nar-Anon, entire groups of mothers seriously talk about calling so-called “motivators” or “preventers” (forcibly taking away addicts), as a step in recovery, about a spiritual breakthrough. An hour and a half conversation with the relatives of an addict is enough for them to seriously doubt these methods, and more often they radically changed their attitude. However, this is a real mass phenomenon - the spread of these ideas. And I have seen and see how they are spread on TV, for example, they show a talk show where a famous person is deceived into a rehabilitation center. they are held there by force. At the same time, this whole story is made absolutely public, circumstances that are artificially negative for her are simulated, which is also violence against this person and, in a certain sense, deprives her of the opportunity to make her own choice. In fact, people admit (and boast) of violating the Criminal Code. Code (Articles 126, 127 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). And for this they are elevated to idols. And then they also make a serial story about the miraculous changes of the “complete drug addict”, ending everything with the epic “I will create my own center.” What remains in the heads of hundreds of thousands of codependents who watched this whole tense extravaganza? “If “mine” is forcibly sent to these people, EVERYTHING WILL BE WELL!” This is also a blatant violation of professional ethics. On talk shows they show video recordings of a “patient” in a state of use (in her home, and not somewhere in a public place ), without her consent. Further treatment of this person is a priori impossible! This is not just a violation of the norms, it is the destruction of the connections between the patient and the staff necessary for work, for treatment. specialists involved in rehabilitation. Regarding the “borderline of forcible detainment”, let’s do this: if it seems to me - Denis Zlobin - that the abstract Masha Sidorova does not live correctly and causes harm to people (she does not love her mother and steals at work), besides, she could potentially generally die or kill someone (she likes dangerous driving and sometimes gets behind the wheel after drinking wine), then I, out of good intentions, will forcibly (or by deception) take her to Taiga (or to the island of Bali, or Thailand) and I will keep her there. I will “work with her open denial”, in conditions of the impossibility for her to leave the place, proving that her life is dangerous for her and others. At the same time, I’ll teach you how to do exercises in the morning, cross-stitch, and love your homeland. Especially if her relatives are worried about her, then I will do all this at their expense. Hiring a psychologist for psychological support; only a psychologist who would completely obey meand didn’t devalue what I do. Perhaps, in general, I’ll just buy a psychologist’s diploma for my friend so that “they won’t interfere with my work.” And while they are paying, I will keep the “patient” there, and if she runs away, I will catch her and tie her up. I myself, together with those who pay, will decide who can walk freely on the street and who cannot, and why! Can I do this? And popular public people, and even show it on a talk show? It turns out they can. And even become famous as a benefactor through this. But violent “help” still doesn’t work! Sometimes isolation is required (legally), but isolation is a matter of safety, it is not therapy, it is not rehabilitation. Finding yourself in an almost hopeless situation - “the relatives paid these people, and these people will not let me out and will demand that I behave the way they want” - the addict will close in on himself, put on a mask, and play a role. What kind of trust can there be in groups, disclosure, real acceptance of information if relatives betrayed and these people committed illegal violence? Who in such an environment will be able to really open up and accept what is being said about him? Moreover, when there are facts to reject, such as the fact that these people themselves are unprofessional, deceitful, inconsistent, uneducated, doing everything to make money on retention: it is impossible not to lie, because it is illegal and unprofessional, but it is necessary to justify it somehow , that’s why there are lies and manipulations. Psychologists are in the illusion that they “crush” addicts and they begin to believe them (oh, this fiction - NLP), while the addict, in such a situation, does not truly believe a single word of a psychologist or even a priest; will nod and look devotedly into the eyes, waiting for it all to end. And so that the difficulties of accepting everything that happens does not cause mental pain, he will convince himself of these ideas and will declare terms and slogans and even seem to root for the cause. He might even want to become the same. It’s just easier to get through this time, and an addict is no stranger to wearing masks. That is, the disease mimics and hides. Thus, instead of really opening up, coming to awareness and unforgiving honesty with himself, the addict expands his unconscious, increases his “Mr. Hite” and reduces his “life arena”, painting the “facade” with beautiful slogans and “recovery” terminology. (This is why centers where the religious aspect is a priority are harmful). This means that ignorance of oneself, closedness from others, a reactive position and the inability to honestly assess one’s motivations only get worse. At the same time, his visiting parents rejoice to the point of ecstasy at what they see, and manage to do a very important “dirty deed” before they are faced with reality after rehabilitation: they manage, through word of mouth, to tell everyone a wonderful story that will spread with the speed of the wind, before the consequences appear. The fact that a person can realize the violence against him as his own bottom rarely happens. However, I observed and am observing these guys, after a year of being in such centers, they are deformed. After all, if an addict wants to understand something, then he is in an environment where the majority of people are raped, where management lies and manipulates in order to justify himself, where, in order to avoid escapes and collusions, they practice “shaking” relationships, where there is constant tension and severe stress . Due to the fact that the motivation of the management is to earn money and not to help, the programs in ALL such centers are made so ineptly, and sometimes destructively, that these guys then for years cannot take off their masks, dismantle the blocks, or understand the essence of recovery. And the percentage of such “recoveries,” if correctly assessed, is lower than the percentage of those who come to recovery in Anonymous Communities, from the “street,” that is, on their own, without specialized help (which is called “spontaneous remission,” recognized in world psychotherapy - 5-7% ( see Irvin Yalom, “Group Psychotherapy”)). This means that these figures even reduce the level of spontaneous remissions and interfere with those!
