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From the author: Co-authored with Zhanna Voinova. “Why do I live?”, “What is my purpose?” – the questions are significant and difficult. As a rule, the topic of “mission” is extremely important to a person’s subconscious. Moreover, the “charge” can be both negative and positive. That is why reasoning and discussions about life’s purpose so often slide into religion or esotericism, or into militant nihilism. A couple more extremes: too vague or too specific and no alternative. In this article we will stay as far as possible from all four of the above poles, and will offer you, instead of absolute truths, food for thought and understanding of what a mission is. We honestly warn you that the material is not entertaining at all, and while reading, you will have to strain your brain. The article is written in the form of “Answers to Frequently Asked Questions.” Do I have a purpose in life? If you have never asked yourself this question, then maybe. If this question is relevant to you, then you definitely have it. How to find out and fulfill your mission? Unfortunately, it will not be possible, say, to find out your mission in a week, and then fully implement it in a couple of years. A mission is not a result, but a process. Therefore, it cannot be understood and achieved once and for all. The universe is constantly changing, developing and, along with it, your mission is changing and developing. And even when you achieve something specific, you understand that it was a stage, an intermediate finish. How do I understand whether I am following my mission or moving away from it? As you move away from your purpose, you feel negative emotions: resentment, irritation, jealousy, fear. And approaching it, positive ones - happiness, joy, fullness of life. How exactly to follow the mission? Learn to remain steadily in positive emotions-states. Every day at work and in the family, on the street and in the desert, with friends and alone, be happy! For thousands of years, the sages have been telling you this recipe! You are happy not because everything is good, but everything is good because you are happy! Omar Khayyam Do you need to specifically look for your purpose? No, it is already built inside us. Each person is a unique musical instrument, composing, playing and improvising their own unique melody of life. Our task is to play cleanly and follow her creative takeoff. Can a person have only one mission? Yes and no. There is only one personal mission, but it is directly integrated into the mission of his family. And she, in turn, is in the mission of the people. Well, the mission of the people is an important cog in the mechanism of the overall mission of humanity and the universe. And if a person tries to implement his own mission, contrary to higher transpersonal missions, then nothing works out for him. Therefore, in addition to your own happiness and well-being, you need to take care of the happiness and well-being of your family, people and all living things around. What happens to those around me when I follow the mission? When you are joyful, happy, inspired, then everything living around falls into the sphere of your “radiation” and in all possible ways (for example, with the help of mirror neurons) is “infected” with your states of Joy, Happiness and Inspiration . Remember how you feel next to a positively charged person? And what do you want in this state? – Live, Create, Love, Achieve. And next to an irritable bore, offended by the whole world? Thus, by following your mission, you help those around you to follow their missions, as if you activate them, awaken them. How do I change as I follow my purpose? The more closely you follow your mission, the better you do, the more difficult the mission becomes, and the stronger you become. And so all the time - upward in an endless spiral towards perfection, caring for the happiness of all living things. How to carry out this concern? Firstly, do not try to build your happiness on the misfortune of your family, country or planet. Secondly, there is nothing easier than sharing your happiness with others. It happens!!!
