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Pain is an unwanted guest; people try to avoid it, turn it off, have nothing to do with it, and quickly get rid of it. Few people think about why pain comes to us, what it wants to tell us, what to warn us against, what to teach us. The fact that pain is necessary and important does not need to be explained. Pain signals our body or our psyche (if the pain is mental) about problems in the body, that we urgently need to pay attention to them and take measures to eliminate them. By the way, the same areas in the brain are responsible for physical and mental pain. It is clear that you need to deal with the root cause of the pain, and not with the pain itself. The pain is secondary and will go away on its own when its cause is found and healed. We don’t want to listen to the pain, we don’t want to look deep and understand what it wants to warn us about, but we want to immediately anesthetize it. It is better not to feel anything than to suffer at least a little pain in order to deal with it. Pain guards boundaries. Since childhood, she teaches caution in handling fire and sharp objects, forces you to be attentive and hone your skills in fine and gross motor skills. Acute pain is associated with tissue damage and goes away as it heals. Our body has pain-relieving mechanisms by releasing endorphins at times of pain or stress. Their action is similar to morphine, they calm and reduce pain when needed. When something new comes, be it the resolution of a crisis or the birth of a new person, it cannot be done without pain. Pain during childbirth is feared; they often try to eliminate it by using anesthesia. However, it is known that childbirth with pain relief affects the subsequent attachment of mother to child. A mother's body that has not experienced pain during childbirth has not lived through an important stage; it does not believe that the birth of a child has already occurred. The psychophysiological meaning of pain during childbirth is the shutdown of rational thinking and the transition to purely instinctive behavior. Then the woman turns into a female who does not need to be explained what to do and what not to do, she instinctively behaves optimally for childbirth, for herself and for the child. Breathing techniques help the transition to an instinctive state. When a woman gets into this “correct” state, the pain fades into the background, it is practically not felt, or is felt completely differently, the mother becomes a conductor of such energy flows that the pain that we know no longer remains. In modern medicine, this great mystery is almost impossible to fully realize. Medical management of childbirth disrupts the natural production of hormones. Of course, we are not talking about complicated childbirth, where medical intervention is necessary. Chronic pain, neurotic or associated with a specific disease, can be unbearable, long-lasting, sometimes with short breaks provided by anesthesia, day after day, month after month. It is impossible to imagine what it is until you have experienced it yourself (God forbid anyone). It is impossible to condemn people experiencing such pain for wanting to die, ending their suffering. The only consolation may seem to be that pain is finite, like our existence. But, if there is faith in the meaning of everything that is happening, if there is an opportunity to endure this pain, then perhaps the pain will communicate something very important for a person, perhaps it will reveal to him what he has been looking for all his life. What I write is pure theorizing. I don’t know how I would behave in such a situation. But, I still wrote what I think about this now. Observing elderly patients in rehabilitation who have chronic pain, talking with them, I noticed that they are divided into two categories. Those who completely surrender to pain constantly suffer and complain. During short breaks in an anesthetized state, they also could not relax and perceive other, positive impressions of life, because... were busy waiting for the pain to return. One might say that their life consisted only of pain and was subordinated to pain. The other category experienced no less severe pain, but.
