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From the author: There are various interpretations of happiness. People often associate happiness with certain areas of life and external circumstances. Moreover, what people currently lack is called happiness. There are different strategies. You can try your best to achieve what you want. Or you can learn to feel happiness and move towards your goals. After all, the main secret is that every moment of our lives we can be happy with what we have! The article was published on the website “You cross the whole world in search of happiness, and it is always nearby, at arm’s length from any person...” Horace Happiness is the universal equivalent of well-being, which is wanted and desired by each other more often than money. Every person dreams of happiness, wants to bring it closer or extend it. There are various interpretations of happiness. For many, happiness is material security, prosperity, money. For this category of people, it is difficult to feel happiness if there is not enough to live on. The paradox is that money cannot buy happiness, but without money it is difficult to feel happy. An even more common category associates happiness with family and children. If such a person does not have children or his family life does not work out, then it is difficult for him to feel happiness. A significant part of people associate happiness with love, the presence of a loved one, as well as reciprocity of feelings. In this case, happiness also depends on external circumstances. And even if such a person has a career, money, success in his life, he cannot enjoy the fullness of life and often suffers. Thus, people often associate happiness with some areas of life and external circumstances. Moreover, what people currently lack is called happiness. For example, happiness is associated with health: when a person is in pain, it is difficult for him to feel happiness. As a rule, health is initially taken for granted. In the caste of happiness, it begins to be perceived with age, when it malfunctions. At some point, a person realizes that it turns out that when he had no pain for so many years and had strength - this was happiness! One of the pitfalls of happiness is that instead of enjoying, people often do not appreciate what they have. They often realize that they were happy over time when they experience loss: love, family, health, friends, kindness, work, etc. At the stage of losses and difficulties in life, a person is required to come to the conclusion that he needs to protect and appreciate the good things that life gives you. And learn to thank life for its gifts, for the opportunities it gives him. Many people take the blessings of life and kindness towards themselves for granted. People mostly do not appreciate what they have, squander their opportunities and complain about fate. Losses and life shocks contribute to insights and discoveries. And then a person begins to understand that what he had, not everyone has and is not given for life. He begins to appreciate the good things he has. Already from this rethinking, the flow can be restored. Prolonged periods of life's difficulties and adversities can cause depression. In such a state, a person cannot adequately assess the reasons for what is happening to him and, accordingly, does not see a way out. It is very important to try to get out of depression as quickly as possible. Because the gray period can drag on and then a person has less and less strength to cope with it on his own, to gain a vision of prospects, the desire and strength to live. This is a situation when it is advisable to seek help from a specialist - a consultation with a psychologist who will help you get out of it faster and more effectively. People often come to me in a state of depression, in which they have been for 2-6 months or more. And to get out of it, 1-3 sessions are enough. Moreover, with the current development of communications (Skype, oovoo) and various payment systems, qualified advice can be obtained while in different countries and without leavingfrom home. After the first session, people feel great relief, joy returns to them, desires and interest in life appear. Personal training and mastering special technologies will help. They will help you overcome a negative state, learn to switch it to a positive state, maintain a positive attitude, and direct your energy into what gives you happiness. All this together will help turn the situation around. It is important not to give up on your dreams of happiness, to live, striving to find what makes you happy. Because while you are alive, there is always the opportunity to find what you want or learn to be happy with what you have. After all, the main secret of happiness is: “that every moment of our life we ​​can be happy with what we have!” Happiness is a special state of inner joy, the ability to rejoice in what happens to you, to see the good and attract what you want into your life. At this point, a wave of dissatisfaction and protest may arise in the internal monologue of readers: “it’s easy to say how I can be happy, if “no money”, “husband left”, “best friend betrayed”, “no family”, “still no children”, “no place to live” (the list goes on). The power of protest and resistance testifies to how deeply the bacilli of despondency and pessimism have penetrated into human thinking. And the more they capture consciousness, the more difficult it is for a person to see life from the other side. After all, the problem cannot be solved with the help of suffering and lamentation, and experiences and negative emotions can worsen what exists. Because the state of dissatisfaction attracts even greater dissatisfaction. A person resembles a butterfly that has flown into a room and hits the glass. But there is a way out, it’s nearby. The second secret of happiness is that by learning to feel joy and radiate positive energy, a person will quickly be able to find what will make him happy. Paradoxically, happiness leads to success more often than success leads to happiness. The energy of happiness is positive energy, and according to the laws of the universe, everything that we emit into this world returns to us multiplied. The law of attraction works: like attracts like. And according to him: “money is money, and debts are debts.” This is true for all areas of life without exception. For example, how many smart, beautiful and successful women live with sadness in their eyes: “They say everything is there, but there is no happiness,” “how can I be happy if I don’t have a loved one / or children." The trap is that it is difficult to meet a loved one with such a mood. After all, each of us is intuitively drawn to someone who radiates joy, positivity, i.e. happy. Everyone prefers to be in the company of cheerful and optimistic people, and rejects those who are moping, sad, and even more so suffering. Few people want to take responsibility for someone else's life. People would like to cope with responsibility for their own. Remember your life, watch what is happening around you. Mostly people meet their love and success when they were on a wave of positivity and good luck. It is extremely rare that a loved one appears to “save”, to offer a new happy life. I can only confirm this pattern: all significant meetings of love in my life took place when I was fine without it. It is no coincidence that according to statistics, many people fall in love on vacation, where people are relaxed, smile more often, and are happy. And they attract something that corresponds to their state. Thus, being happy and positive is not only pleasant, but also beneficial: the vibration of happiness attracts even more happiness and well-being. According to research results, life expectancy is higher among optimistic people. They get sick less often and endure problems and life’s adversities more easily. Fortunately, positive perception and the ability to feel happiness are qualities that can be developed in oneself; this state can be learned! Happiness is a personal choice of a person. Thus, in life there can be various strategies: you can persistently try to solve the problem of what is missing for happiness. If you can achieve
