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Once again, reading the invitation to the next training like “If you have many goals, but you don’t really do anything to realize them, if you are ready to change your life for the better, but constantly postpone these actions if you see how other people achieve high results, but you yourself still remain in the same place. And also, if you want to live a bright, rich and interesting life, and also want to find something to dedicate it to, then the training is THE BEST for you,” I wonder, what is starting to tense up in me? After all, I sense that something is wrong :) It is possible, of course, that there is an element of envy here. They say, “I can’t do that, I don’t know how...” But, most likely, the point here is different. The fact is that we are all very different. And, as they say, “what is good for the shoemaker is bad for the tailor.” In most trainings, this simple fact is not taken into account at all. There is a certain system under which all participants fit. Like: “Do this, and you will be happy!” This reminds me of an anecdote about the inventor of a razor device that shaved with just two movements. When he was pointed out the fact that everyone’s faces are different, the inventor objected: “After the first time, everyone’s faces are the same.” But there will be no happiness for everyone. And do you know why? Because this path is stupidly not for them. You can force a dog to climb trees, but it will be worse than a cat. But a cat will not become a dolphin. We believe too much in the power of the mind. And under the thin layer of consciousness lies an endless ocean of the unconscious. And he may have completely different plans for you. What does God have to do with it? This is probably just one way to describe what our psyche and body are a small part of. You can also describe this in terms of “nature”, “subconscious”, “Tao”, etc. It’s not the essence. What’s important is that we are part of a larger system and can develop and move only in its mainstream. This system has its own vectors and directions for us. And the desires of our head often run counter to these vectors. Just like attempts to do good through various kinds of psychological and near-psychological trainings. So the problem lies on a slightly different plane than it seems to the presenters of most master classes and trainings. There is an interesting episode in Jung’s autobiography when for some time he felt increasing tension inside. He had already seriously begun to fear psychosis when, having listened to himself, his memories, dreams, associations (products of the unconscious), he came across the need to build toy houses from stones. An absolutely ridiculous idea from a conscious point of view. But after this, the tension subsided, and along with this, inspiring insights appeared regarding the work of his whole life. I think that if Jung had gone to solve his problem in a training similar to the one described above, then it would not have ended well for him. Why am I all this ? I want you to believe in your individuality and uniqueness. The directions your god takes you in may be different from other people's. And only on your way can you feel whole, happy, alive. Trees grow up, water flows down, birds fly away in the fall, day turns into night. External phenomena embody certain internal patterns. If you ignore these same patterns, then nothing good will come of it. The task is to adapt to these currents, to catch the wave. And for this it is important to learn to hear and feel your ocean, to set sails to your inner wind. This is where a competent psychologist or psychotherapist can help. Better understand your ocean. And not to teach you how to live correctly (from the subjective point of view of a psychotherapist). Because “Correctness” can only be yours and no one else’s. You shouldn’t pray to other people’s gods, they won’t hear :)
