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The art therapy method can be considered one of the most ancient and natural forms of correction of emotional states, which many people use on their own - to relieve accumulated mental stress, calm down, and concentrate. I was no exception to the rule, and, also recommended her client to use this technique of self-expression at home, when emotional stress predominates. At the next meeting, relationships with her father, aunt and grandmother were discussed. To my surprise, my mother’s figure was not affected this time. Therefore, the most problematic topics could be identified from this meeting. Such as: relationships with her father (they are warm, trusting and very significant for client K.), relationships with her mother (at the age of 13, client K. left her mother’s house to live with her father), relationships with her grandmother (client K. has constant conflicts with her grandmother), relationship with her aunt (the client feels constant criticism and condemnation from her aunt). After which I offered to introduce my aunt and talk to her, telling her everything I wanted, but the client refused to work with the image on the chair. I thought that this topic was quite difficult for her and did not insist. But, in order not to lose this moment, I asked to track the feeling that prevented me from touching this topic. Client K. agreed and we began to explore the feeling of irritation. Psychologist: “What do you think you were trying not to feel while doing the exercise?” Client: “I don’t know... Probably anger.” Psychologist: “Who are you angry at.” Client: “At your aunt.” Psychologist: “Do you know for Why are you angry?” Client: “Because every time we meet, she reproaches me for being on diets and losing bones.” Psychologist: “Why do you think she told you this?” Client: “I think she doesn’t love me...” After these words, client K. began to cry. Then, on the topic of love, we developed a positive relationship with our mother. For some reason, I drew a parallel - the relationship with my mother may not be as positive as client K says. In this, my assumptions turned out to be correct. During the story about her mother and the quarrel with her, client K. cried and noted, again, that “she doesn’t love me.” And then I remembered the technique of writing a love letter to myself. Since our meeting was coming to an end, and I didn’t want to stray too far from the topic of love, after clarifying how she was feeling, I suggested writing a love letter to myself at home. I’d like to tell you a little about the technique that miraculously caught my eye. A method of therapeutic release of emotions is a written presentation of certain situations. You need to suggest to the client: “Sit down and write a letter to this person, freely expressing all your resentment and indignation, declaring your rights - without holding back in any way. And then burn it." This is where the mechanism of symbolic satisfaction comes into play. The unconscious is satisfied with a symbolic act of written retribution. There is also another modification of the technique of therapeutic release of emotions in the form of a letter, which was proposed by B. De Angelis and is called the “Love Letter Technique”. This is a method of resolving serious emotional conflict, both in relationships between people and in a person’s relationship with himself. The “love letter technique” is a powerful tool for healing emotional tension. In this case, the client expresses all five feelings of the emotional circuit, starting with anger, then moving on to resentment, fear, remorse and, at the very end, to love. A “love letter” to oneself is one of the most effective ways to normalize relationships with the most important person in your life - by yourself. This “letter” to himself will help the patient forgive himself for shortcomings, get rid of self-deprecation and begin concrete actions that will help move from depression and hopelessness to hope and optimism. Here is such a simple and amazing self-therapy technique that works wonders for you! To client K. I suggested writing a letter to myself on behalf of anyone.
