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The question of material and financial well-being has been and remains one of the most pressing. Today there is no problem with a lack of information on this topic. In almost any source you can read about how certain people achieved certain successes and became financially independent. They willingly share their recipes for achieving Abundance, publishing books in huge quantities and appearing on the pages of expensive magazines and the Internet. This is mainly the experience of foreign people - the “lucky ones in life”. Thus, according to the world famous magazine Forbes, which annually publishes a ranking of billionaires from around the world, the richest person is the Mexican telecommunications tycoon Carlos Slim Helu. His fortune, according to Forbes estimates, is $74 billion. In second place is Microsoft founder Bill Gates, his fortune is now estimated at $56 billion. Third place is occupied by American investor Warren Buffett - $50 billion. For a long time, we did not know anything about whether there were any rich people. Today, the richest man in Russia is considered to be Vladimir Lisin, who is in the second ten of Forbes - in 14th place with $24 billion. Severstal owner Alexey Mordashov is in 29th place, Mikhail Prokhorov is in 32nd place, and Roman Abramovich is in 53rd place with $13 billion. According to Forbes magazine, there are 1,011 billionaires in the world. They all have their own recipe for Abundance, and no matter which way they went to their financial well-being, these people achieved it and are rightfully considered the richest. These people have complete control over the entire world economy, from energy and steel to fashion and telecommunications. We can condemn them as much as we like, hate them, envy them, blame them - but! They remained and will remain the richest people on the planet. Why are some people rich and others poor? Who or what is to blame for everything - the state, the government, the system, the rich? And if some are rich and they have everything, then others, by definition, must be poor. Is it so? Why is your neighbor rich and successful, but you are not? Why do some people succeed in everything, and money flows to them like a river, while others have to achieve everything through hard work and are often left with nothing? What is this Abundance and where does it come from? And if Abundance exists, then it is probably not infinite and there is definitely not enough for everyone... Or is there enough?! Maybe it's all about ourselves? In our complexes, fears, self-doubt, inability and unwillingness to cope with problems? Perhaps, during the time of great socialism, we and our ancestors forgot how to BE OWNERS, forgot how to work and BE PROFESSIONALS in our business, forgot how to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY? Maybe we are so accustomed to poverty, to the fact that someone decides for us and knows what is best for us, that we don’t think of our lives differently and, sometimes, are afraid of the chances to become prosperous and live in Abundance that are provided life for us? How much has slave thinking been absorbed into our consciousness? The famous phrase “The master will come, he will judge us!” took root in the psyche of the Russian people for a long time. In Soviet times, the party played the role of a master who knows and judges everything. They decided for us what to do and how to live. But now, when we live in the era of capitalism, many still continue to believe and wait for that very certain master who will decide for them how to live and what to do next. How can you become successful and rich if you do nothing for it? Many people go to jobs they don’t like every day and receive low wages, scold their management and complain that fate is unfair to them. They dream so much about a good job, high earnings and so want to be rich! But life is cruel and for some it’s everything, but for them personally it’s nothing. And here the stereotypical attitude of a poor person comes into play: “Becoming rich is not real!” What did they do for this? Well, at least something? What's in their head, what are their thoughts? Is it possible to becomerich, having “poor” thoughts in your head? These people live in poverty not because life is not fair and they do not have an inheritance from a rich deceased relative abroad, but because they have the thoughts of a poor person in their brains! They themselves do not allow themselves to be in Abundance! This manifests itself in everything, and primarily in relation to oneself. Conduct an experiment - go to the most expensive car dealership and choose the most expensive car. Ask the manager everything about this car, sit in the salon, sit in it, feel all the charm of its seats, steering wheel, control panel. And if you have a license, then take it for a test drive, and then easily leave the salon, citing the fact that you still need to think about whether the shape of its headlights suits you! You can choose an expensive furniture or clothing store, this is not the main thing, the main thing is whether you are ready to accept the idea that you are a rich person who can afford a very expensive thing! Good salespeople are good psychologists. They immediately collect information from you - whether you can or not! Remember the famous movie “Pretty Woman,” how the heroine behaved in a clothing store, having a credit card with a very large amount of money in her account. What information did the sellers take from her - a rich person or a poor person? Of course, poor thing! And it’s not about how you are dressed and shod, it’s about how you position yourself, who is a rich or poor person in your mind. Can you afford it or not?! Or another example, a monologue by Elena Stepanenko, in which a woman went to repay a debt of 300 rubles, having nothing else in her wallet. What did she feel at that moment - heaviness, debt, poverty, doubt.... And how she wanted, passing by the windows of an expensive boutique selling luxurious fur coats, to be “caressed” by these expensive furs. If you remember, she allowed herself to “be” able to buy the most expensive fur coat, and the sellers counted exactly this information from her. She allowed herself to “be” rich, even for a short time, “to be” happy and caressed. And then, I easily went to repay my debt - the last 300 rubles! It's all about our thinking. If you always think like a poor person, you will remain poor. And not only in terms of finances. Abundance implies a lot: joy of life, health, leisure (entertainment, relaxation, travel, hobbies). It is also communication with those who are committed to prosperity and joy, and do not whine and complain about life, government, and fate. What is needed for this? I would like to give some tips on where you can start on your path to ABUNDANCE. So!1. Start thinking positively! At first it is very difficult to do this, because as you are accustomed to negative thoughts, they easily come into your head. Also, this will be facilitated by the people around you, the media, and events. Try to filter the information coming to you. Watch the news less often - 99% of it carries negative information (fires, car accidents, murders, robberies, criminal showdowns, etc.). Listen and watch more about rich and successful people. Try to communicate with successful people and be surrounded by them.2. Watch your speech! Eliminate from your vocabulary the negative particle “not” and everything associated with it in relation to yourself. For example, “I don’t have money!”, “I can’t afford it (buy, do).” Remember that in this case you are depriving yourself of the opportunity to have money or an item. Try to play up what was said, for example, if you have already uttered the negative phrase “I don’t have money...”, then add “... at this moment. Money is on the way! Observe what proverbs and sayings exist in your environment and in your personal life in relation to money. Write them down on paper and complete the phrase: “Money is.... Write as many phrases as you can. For example, “Money is evil!”, “Money spoils people!”, “Money is the root of all troubles!” or “Money for money!” etc. Record your statements.3. Learn to talk only about positive things at the dinner table, like ABUNDANCE! How easily it comes into your life, why do youdo you intend to spend the money, what other possible sources of money coming into your life, etc. Remember, you don't just eat food, you eat the thoughts and words that you are currently reproducing. Watch what those around you “feed” you. In other words, what is said, told to you or in your presence while you are having a meal. Such observations are very interesting. You may notice that many people, without realizing it, try to talk about some negative event precisely when eating occurs. This could be news about thefts, murders, illnesses, it could be simply complaints about someone from your environment, etc. Moreover, if you say that you don’t want to listen to negativity when you eat, they will most likely be offended by you. And that's a fact. People are used to sharing negative things, it’s like the flu virus - if you get infected yourself, infect someone else!4. Thank the Universe when money comes to you, ask it for money. Learn to give money easily and then it will easily come back to you. What a beautiful word “THANK YOU”! Giving good and receiving good are equally pleasant!5. Stop bashing the rich! In our country it is very fashionable to blame someone for all our troubles. Well, who can be to blame for the fact that you earn little while working in a low-paying, dead-end job? Of course: leadership, government, the rich! It's not your fault that you are just an WORKER! When you scold the rich, calling them different words (such as: thieves, swindlers, bloodsuckers, exploiters, etc.), your subconscious makes the determination “The rich are bad! I don't want to be bad! And that means rich! You are setting yourself up to be poor. You don’t want to be among the scammers and bloodsuckers?6. Money is energy! Treat it with respect and then it will always be present in your life in Abundance. You can understand your attitude towards money by how you store it and where. If your money is crumpled, stuffed into your pockets, and at the moment you cannot say how much money you have with you, then what kind of respect can we talk about?! We are not talking about the cult and worship of money, we are talking about the very fact of accepting or not accepting money in your life. Many people often stop having a wallet after some unpleasant events took place in their lives, for example, theft of a wallet. And now they are afraid of a repeat theft, and therefore they prefer to keep the money anywhere, but not in their wallet. The fear of “being robbed” once again is completely ingrained in their brains. And now the likelihood that if they start using the wallet again and it will be stolen from them is extremely high. The thing is that these people are already determined that this will definitely happen to them. That is, they are subconsciously ready to be robbed.7. Learn to let go of money! This also applies to the theft of your wallet and unrepaid debts. Being in debt and being a lender are equally bad. Because in both cases, you keep the energy of money in debt. When you lend, you risk not getting your money back; when you borrow, you risk not getting it back. And that's bad. You waste your energy on “debt”, giving rise to negative thoughts and doubts. Try to mentally sincerely forgive the debt, give this money to someone who refused to repay it. The Universe does not tolerate emptiness, it will definitely return them to you not from this, but from other sources. If you owe it, then say the affirmation more often: “I repay the debt easily, on time and with pleasure (I repay the loan, pay off the mortgage, etc.)! I always have the amount needed for this!” And the money will definitely be found. Don't hesitate!8. Money must have a purpose, that is, be “PURPOSE”. For example, to build a house, to pay for education, to develop a business, to buy a car, etc. Money cannot be stagnant, just lie there. They must be for something! There should always be clarification as to why they are collected. This is very important, because you can assemble a car in different cases - not only for purchase, but also for repairs after!
