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Tell me, do you know a man named R. Sperry? This is an American psychologist, specialist in neuropsychology, Nobel Prize laureate, for research in the field of functional specialization of the two hemispheres of the brain. His works and subsequently some additions and revisions by other scientists made it possible to come to some interesting conclusions. The first of which says that the left and right hemispheres are significantly different from each other and that the left - conditionally corresponding to Consciousness, operates with numbers, words and other signs, and the right - conditionally corresponding to the Unconscious, operates with symbols, images and sensations. And the second conclusion, which T. Galway actually made, says that there are much more differences between the hemispheres and behind each hemisphere there is, as it were, a separate individuality of a person: a right-hemisphere genius who has everything necessary for imagination and achieving any goal, but who is practically powerless in front of a left-hemisphere skeptic who lives by the principle: “first I’ll come up with a grandiose goal, and then logically prove that it is not achievable.” The left hemisphere thus creates a certain stability for a person and helps him not to encounter madness (from the huge abundance of options and availability), having a certain set of beliefs about how everything works and should be. Each person has his own specific set of beliefs. The right hemisphere has a direct connection with the Unconscious, which guides us through life (97% of all processes of human life are unconscious) and which, in order to achieve a goal, just needs to see this desired goal in front of us. And as a result, it turns out that we achieve only those goals that our right hemisphere accepted and did not destroy the left hemisphere with its “censorship”. Many people actually don’t know exactly what they want, let alone constantly show their Unconscious the desired goal. And even more often, humanity adheres to the “From” strategy (to run away from problems, difficulties, illnesses), and not “To” (to move towards success, desires, dreams). Thus, our Unconscious, having enormous creative abilities, realizes for us the life that is spinning in our heads. Our energy flows where our attention is focused. By concentrating on certain life events, we create noble soil for them to be realized in the material world. And if we talk about collective consciousness, the creative abilities of a large group have enormous creative potential. The only question is to what extent are we in contact with such knowledge and what is the level of our awareness?! Now let’s try to answer a question closely related to the hygiene of human Consciousness: “What events will fill the life of a person, for example, watching TV or surfing the Internet, where information of an unconstructive nature is often shown? Or a person who constantly thinks about his problems and illnesses in his head? Or, how exactly is it necessary to combat manifestations of destructiveness in society if the Unconscious does not understand the particle “NOT”, but let me remind you, thinks in images?” In our life, only that which is presented first in our Consciousness and is not subsequently rejected by the “left-hemisphere skeptic” can be realized. Therefore, it is important to monitor what information we come into contact with and what “movie” we play in our heads! And I would also like to say a few words about the “powers of this world,” namely about the Catholic nun known as Mother Teresa. She understood perfectly how the Unconscious works, although she was not a psychologist, uttering the phrase: “I will never join the movement against war. Call me when there is a peace movement." Therefore, move “TOwards” your desired goal and all the best to you! Subscribe to my telegram channel https://t.me/MikhailKrivulya. The author of the article is psychologist, Mikhail Vasilievich Krivulya.
