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You, of course, have heard the expression more than once: “If you can’t change the situation, change your attitude towards it” in response to complaints to friends or relatives about failures in life . And each time subsequently they asked themselves the same question: “How to do this?” I hope that after reading what I have written below, you will find the answer to your question. So, I'll start with a real-life example. Imagine that you are at a party or birthday, having fun, dancing, having casual conversations, feeling happy, and it seems to you that the world is painted in all the colors of the rainbow, but suddenly at the end of the evening you discover a stain on your clothes (dress, shirt) , what happens next?!! And the following happens, it seems to you that the whole evening is ruined, everyone saw your stain, and no one told you about it, most likely they laughed, discussing how you could walk around with such a stain. All the colors of the rainbow mixed together and became the spot you discovered. You yourself brought up bad thoughts on yourself, so why not look at this situation from a completely different perspective. Perhaps no one saw the nasty stain on your dress or shirt, so they didn’t say anything, and besides, you can cheer yourself up by the fact that even a dirty dress did not stop you from having a wonderful evening and being on top. If we are able to turn a pleasant evening into unpleasant, why not do the opposite. This may seem funny and stupid to you, but if it helps you change your attitude and approach the situation more simply, then why not turn unpleasant feelings into at least neutral ones, if not pleasant ones. In the crazy rhythm of our lives, we don’t always have the opportunity hide from everyone during difficult periods of our lives, take a breath and come back rested; not everyone has enough money to fly to the sea on weekends, etc. What to do? How to change the situation? First, remember the times when you felt happy, you felt good and comfortable, remember what objects surrounded you, what music was playing, what the weather was like, restore in your memory all the little things of those days. Color this picture, make the colors bright and saturated. Now think about how this picture differs from the real picture, what emotions you experienced, what you can do, add or remove to change the picture and return to those pleasant emotions and feelings that you experienced before. Understand that life is unique and everything is in your hands. Remember the picture where you felt good, fix it in your memory. You can return there to rest when you feel bad again, and you don’t know what to do. How often have you deliberately had to change the brightness of the images that arise in your mind, have you often had to return to pleasant moments in life in order to deliberately change your feelings? Most of us allow our brains to show us any picture, and in response we feel either good or bad. Each of us has both good and bad memories, the only difference is which of them we return to more often. We are able to get rid of negative emotions if we really want to. Very often we think that there are situations that cannot be changed, but we do not take any steps towards change. Take a pen and a piece of paper and write down all your complaints and thoughts about work, family, and friends. Look at what you can change, change, you can’t immediately - change gradually, you don’t want to change, look at the situation from the other side, maybe it’s not as scary as you think, paint it in bright colors, treat what’s happening with a sense of humor and you will feel much better. To cheer yourself up, buy yourself some trinket that will cheer you up, or put on a bright scarf or hat, you will immediately feel more confident and comfortable. Sign up for a sports section, dance class, make a list of entertainment for the week, spend time with friends more often - accumulate positive emotions and then it will not work for you..
