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Each of us has 3 ages: 1st age - calendar age. How much time has actually passed since birth. 2nd – biological. It depends on how and under what conditions a person lived. For example, if of two people the same age, the first spent 10 years in a logging camp in Siberia, and the second in a luxury hotel in the south of France, then, most likely, their biological ages will differ significantly. In essence, the 2nd age determines how old the physical condition of the skin, bones, muscles and internal organs has aged. This indicator is always averaged. In a middle-aged alcoholic, the heart may still be young and strong, but the liver may already be like that of a very old man. The 3rd age is psychological. To recognize it, it’s enough to ask yourself: “How old am I inside, really?” The main secret of psychological age is that, in addition to its quantitative characteristics, it also has a qualitative one - a leading social archetype. And it is he who determines the upper and lower boundaries of psychological age within himself. Therefore, if a person switches to another archetype due to a change in social status (or awareness and acceptance of his real social status), then his psychological age can change sharply and strongly. Some examples of social archetypes: female - girl, girl, mother, aunt , grandmother; male - boy, guy, father, man, grandfather; not tied to gender - a child, a warrior, a disabled person. In this article we will talk about how people unsuccessfully try to lose 5-10-20 years or, on the contrary, to “ripe” faster, and we will also learn 7 effective ways to defeat age. There are 4 types of attitudes to your age. Firstly, strictly follow social stereotypes regarding age, i.e. grow up and grow old “strictly according to schedule.” Secondly, “rush things”, try to become more mature and older. Thirdly, “turn the clock back” - try to look younger or at least stay at your current age. And, fourthly, do without age. Now let’s determine the ways in which all three ages influence each other. So, calendar age attracts both biological and psychological age to its meaning, regardless of whether they are behind it or ahead of it. Biological age does not in any way affect the calendar age, but it attracts psychological age to itself. Psychological age can sometimes indirectly influence the calendar age. For example, a lady of Balzac’s age corrects her passport, “looking younger” by 5-10 years. Psychological age attracts biological age to its meaning. Thus, biological and psychological ages depend on each other. That’s why people are trying to influence both one and the other. And it happens like this: In search of lost youth... 1). Play hormone! Many people try to stop old age by taking a wife (mistress) or husband (lover) 20 years younger than themselves. Of course, such unions happen, not related to an attempt to look younger, but simply out of love, but now we are not talking about them. It seems: The youth of the partner will be passed on. I will go back to that time (and therefore to that age) when I had relationships with the same girls (guys). My sexual attractiveness (in fact, my youth) will be confirmed. And in the end: Against the background of a young partner, the signs of aging become more noticeable and hurt more painfully. The cultural gap between generations often turns out to be insurmountable and a person begins to feel not only physically, but also morally outdated. 2). “Plasty” and BotoxWomen are especially guilty of this. Using a scalpel, wrinkles are removed from the face and fat from different places of the body. It seems: If I look young, then I really become younger. And in the end: Appearance (the same wrinkles, for example) is the result of a certain lifestyle and unresolved psychological problems. An attempt to correct appearance and remove age by force leads to large-scale intrapersonal conflict. Read more about this here. 3). Forever youngforever drunk Continue to live like a teenager at 40 and later - with the same values, desires, communication style. It seems: While maintaining youth in my soul (i.e., the social archetype of a girl/guy) I will live forever. And in the end: At 38, the energy of the body, the speed of recovery from excesses and stress is no longer the same as at 18. Continuing to exploit the young archetype, a person rapidly depletes reserves of health and longevity - he wastes his life, and in fact does not return youth, but brings senility closer. 4). Fans of a healthy lifestylePhysical training, diets, giving up bad habits. It seems: A healthy body will preserve life and youth indefinitely. And in the end: If a healthy lifestyle is accompanied by an “elderly” archetype, then psychological age will intensively help the body age. And young archetypes (see previous paragraph) do not provide for a healthy lifestyle. 5). Falling into childhood is practiced, as a rule, by very elderly people. This is an unconscious choice of the psyche to put on a very young archetype. How much this slows down old age and delays death is unclear. However, if the psyche takes such a step, then a certain positive effect is certainly present. My years are my wealth 1). Swearing, sex, cigarettes and alcohol: Many teenagers try to use all this as an access code to an adult social archetype. It works in the eyes of peers, but not so much in relation to parents and teachers. This is where the phenomenon of a difficult teenager arises. 2). SolidityAn adult is big. At least by weight. Therefore, some cases of obesity are associated primarily with the desire to occupy a more adult social archetype. Often this leads to the opposite result: due to health problems and contempt from the generally thinner environment. 3). Family and childrenNatural way of obtaining an adult social archetype. Another thing is that in many cases the goals in pursuit of which a person created a family turn out to be unattainable with this particular method. For example, it is unlikely that you will be able to stand on par with or even surpass your parents in status, because they will already be grandparents, which is much cooler than “parenthood”. :) 4). Illness and sufferingHave you ever seen two old women arguing about which of them had a harder life and whose ailments were worse? The more psychological problems caused by experienced stress and cataclysms, the stronger the traces of these adversities on the body or in the medical record, the psychologically older and more authoritative the person in society (especially in the “lower classes” of society). This is why many people cling so tenaciously to their illnesses and psychological problems. They are afraid (often without realizing it) of losing high status, power, and privileges. 5). “3 days until death...” A dead or at least half-dead person has the highest social status. This explains, for example, why many geniuses are recognized only after their death. And special reverence for the last words in life spoken by even the most boring and ordinary person. Therefore, in order to increase their status, change the social archetype, some people put themselves on (and beyond) the line of life and death. All of the above suggests the depravity and imperfection of the very concept of age. Is it possible to do without it at all? YES!!! How to live without age - 7 proven ways to Create - the creative flow instantly frees you from age, time and problems. At the same time, you can be not only a poet or an artist, but also a creative gardener, psychologist, programmer, kindergarten teacher, etc. Just don’t buy the cheap story that any profession can be turned into a creative one. If a person stands on a conveyor belt for 8 hours straight, packing cigarettes into packs, then he will not be able (even with the help of hundreds of psychologists!) to bring his creativity to work. Laugh - Laughter is very good for health and really rejuvenates. In addition, it immediately removes the contradictions between the left and right hemispheres of the brain (conscious and subconscious), and also breaks the shackles of social conventions. Acting - An actor who wanders from image to image, trying on himself!!!
