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Since childhood, I have reacted very sensitively to information and tried to filter based on my feelings. If information resonated with me, then it was mine. We all know how to feel the truth, as well as lies, but we only use what is beneficial to us momentarily. I want to express my point of view and my understanding of faith in GOD. I’ll start with the fact that for me there are no differences between Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Catholics and many movements in the field of religions, because GOD IS ONE FOR ALL. What I talk about with people, regardless of age, gender and religion, a person understands and finds answers to his questions. I was brought up in a military family under the USSR and naturally we could not talk about GOD a priori. After the collapse of the USSR, little by little people began to get baptized, get married and openly say that GOD exists. This is very good, because without faith in JUSTICE AND TRUTH it is unbearable to live, that’s how we are built. Let's start with who WE are? Each of us already knows that everything that happens around us is physics. I am the SOUL and this is ENERGY. Since ENERGY is the interaction of two particles + and -, then it is clear why there is good and bad in us. If they say that we are a part of GOD, then everything will fall into place, because it becomes clear that GOD is everything that surrounds us, the most powerful cosmic system of the universe beyond our control, that is, the energy from which we consist." Not a single hair falls from a person’s head without the knowledge of God” - of course, if we are Energy, then of course we react to everything that happens to us, both good and bad. Everything around us is energy and we interact with it and influence it with our thoughts and actions. Coming to church, I was always tormented by the question, Who is GOD and how does GOD know that it was I who lit this candle or the names that I indicate in notes about health or peace. And I had a lot of such questions. No one could answer any of them for me in such a way that I felt the correctness of their explanation. Since I was born in Crimea, where people believe in magic more than in GOD, at one time I wondered how witches allow do destructive and killing rituals for yourself, and GOD sleeps at this time or what? In general, there were more questions, but there were no answers to them. I am glad that I can share the answers to my questions that once tormented me. Since everything that surrounds us consists of the movement of particles and their interaction and each particle carries its information in the form of frequency or vibrations, then everything you touch, all the words you say, thoughts good and bad, everything leaves its imprint on our universe .We evaluate people, as it seems to us, with our eyes and ears, but the first thing our soul reacts to is what vibration this or that person carries when interacting with you, for example: when meeting you, you don’t even understand that you are not reading information from him in the form of vibrations visible to the eye: evil, kind, cunning, smart, happy, depressed, aggressive, blissful, coward, strong. weak, and so on, and after that we build a relationship with him or not. The phrase: “Not a single hair falls from a man’s head without the knowledge of GOD” is true. Everything interacts with each other and naturally leads to the next action depending on its direction - good or bad. To make it clearer, we can compare our universe with a huge computer. The sooner we understand that our future and the future of our children depends on us, the better our world will be and we will be happy accordingly. All diseases are caused by negative emotions, respectively, the more we understand and realize our mistakes, the healthier our body. Church in confession we cleanse the soul, and through communion the cell infected with negativity is cleansed. What is communion - it is a prayer ritual that a clergyman must do. Before the sacrament of communion, he reads prayers over wine and bread. Prayers are one of the strongest helpers with negative information.K: +7 9014033445
