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A small child plays by the water. People walk around, look at him, and he continues to play, not paying attention to people and his nakedness. Being naked is normal for him. Then the child grows up. He is ashamed of his body, considers himself too fat, goes on diets, refuses tasty things, tries to meet standards, to become ideal. We are not born with a dislike for our own body. It makes no difference to a small child whether he is fat or thin. Then the child grows up. He begins to understand that in advertisements, magazines, and cartoons people with a certain body type are considered beautiful. Mom goes on diets and often disappears into beauty salons. People around them criticize fat people, praise ideal people, and tell skinny people to eat more. The child himself also came under criticism: his mother said that he should lose weight. As a result, he absorbs all the information, forming on the basis of this his “I”, dislike for his body. But it is worth understanding that those bodies that we see on the covers of advertisements are not real images. These are not the bodies of average people. Plastic surgery, cosmetics, eternal diets, lighting at a certain angle, processing in Photoshop - all this, but not what is inherent in nature. The bodies of average people who have cellulite, wrinkles, and folds can be seen on the beach, in the pool and in the bathhouse. Most bodies are not adapted to weigh as much as average standards require. Everyone has a weight at which they feel best and have optimal health. If the weight is above this norm, then the metabolism accelerates, if below, then the body tries to replenish resources, reducing attentiveness, concentration, turning off reproductive functions such as menstruation. Taking care of your body and playing sports is good, but in addition to the body there is mental health, a developed system values, self-development, understanding of how you want to live, a sense of happiness. If for the sake of beauty you sacrifice sleep, regular meals, wear uncomfortable clothes and completely forbid yourself to eat what you want, then these are signs that it’s time to change your attitude towards yourself. You can get an individual consultation by signing up for a consultation at 7 903 373 36 00 (Whats App or Telegram)
