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From the author: This article was written jointly with my colleague - Polina A.V. We presented this report at the II Forum of Women of the Urban District - Volzhsky in the section "Woman in the Family". Our report aroused the interest of the audience. Every woman wants to be desired and loved, to attract and be admired. Some people manage this without difficulty - they are always surrounded by fans, they develop relationships with loved ones and friends, they are successful in their work... Others - at first glance, they seem no worse - but are not very happy with their lives. It is believed that in the first case it is a portrait of an ideal woman and everyone strives for this image. Let's figure out who the ideal woman is... The results of a survey conducted by the Research Center of the SuperJob.ru portal in May 2008 among 1000 representatives of the stronger sex are as follows: According to almost half of Russian men, ideal women should be smart, but at the same time be able to hide their intelligence . These results were obtained in the course of According to 46% of men, an ideal woman should have intelligence. But at the same time, men notice that a woman needs to “be able to hide her mind” so as not to offend her companion. For a legal spouse, a sharp mind is also important, but this answer option was indicated by a noticeably smaller number of respondents - 29%. In second place, both for the ideal woman and for the ideal wife, were external data. The importance of having a pleasant appearance for a woman was noted by 38% of men. 21% of respondents are convinced that beauty is an important quality of a wife. Such a quality of an ideal woman as kindness was indicated by 20% of respondents. It is interesting that, according to men, this quality is the third most important for an ideal woman, but for a spouse it is not necessary - kindness was not even included in the top five, receiving only 14% of the votes of those surveyed. For a legal spouse, fidelity is much more important than kindness, say Russian men (20%). 16% of respondents expect devotion from women who are not legal spouses. 12% of men value femininity in their girlfriends. For wives, this characteristic is practically unimportant - she did not get enough votes to cross even the five percent threshold. Men demonstrated unity of opinion in our survey only once: a tenth of respondents expect manifestations of sensuality and sexuality from the fair sex in general and from wives in particular. As one might expect, housekeeping is much more important for a legal life partner than for a friend. It was indicated as the main quality of an ideal wife and an ideal woman by 20% and 9% of respondents, respectively. An important quality of an ideal wife is the ability to love. 17% of men indicated it as a characteristic of a good wife. Only 5% of respondents chose this quality to describe an ideal girlfriend. 9% of men demand patience from their women. Wives will find this quality more useful: 12% of respondents indicate it as an important component of the character of an ideal wife. When thinking about a perfect woman and wife, such a character trait as honesty was indicated by 9% and 6% of respondents, respectively. Getting understanding from your wife is important for 9% of men. In relationships with friends, it is slightly less relevant - a woman’s ability to show understanding was noted by 5% of respondents. 7% of men would like to see their companion tender and affectionate. 5% of respondents dream of an affectionate wife. 7% of men mention the need for a wife to have a maternal instinct. According to 5% of respondents, this quality should be present in any woman, regardless of her marital status. For an ideal wife, it is more important to be attentive (8% of men’s votes), and for a girlfriend, it is more important to be charming (5%). In the paired survey, these answer options did not pass the five percent threshold. If you analyze the information, you can see that men perceive a woman mainly in two areas: 1. A woman in the family (a good mother, wife, housewife, to be beautiful for her husband...) 2. A woman at work (successful career, salary, growth...) Does she do this?.
