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From the author: The article is addressed to users of psychological services: potential and actual clients. Goal: to draw attention to the level and quality of psychological assistance. The need for psychological assistance is extremely relevant in modern society. It's good to note that more and more people are realizing this need. They are ready to overcome shyness and anxiety and seek help from a specialist. Today, the market for psychological services is oversaturated. The Internet is replete with advertisements and business card sites. The difficulty is how to find a qualified specialist whose professionalism you can trust, and who, most importantly, will calmly and safely open your soul. How not to “fall into the clutches” of some “unfortunate psychologist” - a half-educated person, or simply a charlatan. After all, the price of a mistake can be not only lost money and lack of changes, but even a worsening of the condition. So... The first thing you should pay attention to is the photo. Eyes, no matter how trivial it may sound, are the mirror of the soul. Listen to yourself, whether you like this person, whether he inspires your trust. It is worth, of course, making allowances for the fact that not all people are photogenic, however, the facial expression and something elusive in the image, something that you respond to within yourself, will become a clue to you. Next, read the information about the specialist, a brief summary. Pay attention to education. It is preferable if psychological education is the main one, although this is not necessary, since many people receive the profession of psychologist already in adulthood. And this often indicates that a person entered the profession consciously, having life experience. It is better if the university that the specialist graduated from is state-owned. In St. Petersburg these are: St. Petersburg State University or Herzen State Pedagogical University, medical universities, etc. Although at present, there are also non-state universities that teach quality psychology. VERY IMPORTANT! Please note whether the specialist has additional practical education in the field of counseling and psychotherapy. Not just trainings and seminars, although this is also good, but long-term education of 1-3 years! Usually experts write about this. Such educational institutions include St. Petersburg BiH (Gestalt Institute), Institute of Practical Psychology “Imaton”, Institute of Psychotherapy and Counseling Harmony, etc. Research the field in which the specialist worked. If this person works as a psychology teacher at a university or has an academic degree, this does not mean that he is a successful consultant, since not every strong or even outstanding theorist is a good practitioner. If a specialist has experience in the field that matches your problem (crisis assistance, medicine, child psychology, family counseling, etc.) - this is certainly a plus. See if there are articles written by this specialist. Does what he talks about in his articles resonate with you? Perhaps the age of the specialist matters for some. Most likely, a middle-aged or older psychologist is experienced and worldly wise, but the young one has a fresh look and is full of enthusiasm. The next stage, which will help you decide, is negotiating a meeting (by phone or by correspondence). This stage can be short, but in a few minutes you will understand what is happening to you. Your trust increases or decreases. If the psychologist is overly active, tries to please you or promises “mountains of gold” or complete healing in 10 sessions, and money in advance. You shouldn't go to him!!! Run away! No psychologist who respects himself and his work would do this. No psychologist will ever tell you exactly in a five-minute telephone conversation what he will do with you and in how many sessions. If possible, use the recommendations of friends and acquaintances when choosing a specialist. If a specialist helped your friends, then there is a chance that he will help you too. There are two important components that should be taken into account: human and professional, which!
