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From the author: This applies not only to sons, but also to daughters. Remember the 43-year-old boy, Denis, who lives with his mother, Single and not in a relationship? (he is described in the publication “Denis is a good boy”). So, Denis lay down on the sofa, closer to the TV, and lies there to this day, probably... Here the fairy tale, in general, ends. Why do I think this? I'll explain now. We are talking about replacing marriage with life together with your mother. If a woman came to this family (and she cannot come because her place is taken), she would turn out to be a “third wheel.” That’s why she’s gone, and Denis is still not married! And everything will be so if he continues to live with his mother. Unfortunately, such tandems are not uncommon. Both among men and among women. Let's see for what "benefits" adults exchange the opportunity to live their own lives for a comfortable stay at their mother's breast.1. There is no need to become an adult, independent, take responsibility for yourself and others, make decisions.2. Everyday comfort - ready-made food, clothes, no need to pay for a rented apartment.3. Security - “if anything happens”, my mother will insure me: if I remain without work, there will still be a house and food; if I get sick, my mother will take care of it.4. Absence of risks and surprises - mom will never betray, mom is a reliable, proven, well-studied person, and in relationships there are always risks. In general, “it’s warm, light and flies don’t bite.” Are there people who want to live like this?😉 What are the disadvantages of the “mama’s boy” position?1. Infantilization - a person does not grow up. He gets used to having someone else decide everything. By the way, at work the infantile will wait for clear instructions from the boss, in relationships - from the partner.2. The lack of partnerships, the inability to build them - a “mama’s boy” is always in one role - the role of a child. This means that the partner is always assigned the role of an adult, that is, a mother. It is unlikely that such relationships can be called mutually enriching.3. Lack of marriage, deep intimacy, including sexual intimacy - even if a person enters into a marriage burdened by the influence of his mother, he is not capable of true intimacy.4. There is no personal growth - if a person is always “under the wing”, he does not overcome life’s difficulties, which means he does not grow. And that's why they look younger than their age. 5. Psychosomatic diseases - “mama’s boys and daughters have a large number of suppressed feelings, which leads to the development of bodily blocks and psychosomatic disorders. Perhaps what I wrote may seem too categorical to some. However, this is so. Adult men and women, those living with their mothers have, to one degree or another, a “suppressed” adult part. And only when they escape from care does adulting begin. If you are interested, ask. ❤️
