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Have you ever compared your current self with your desired self? Surely yes. How did you do it? By one or several criteria? Did you listen to your inner feelings or ask others for advice? Did these thoughts remain at the level of reflection or did you take any actions for self-development? How were these changes met? We need an ideal image of “I” for development, it is an important element of entering society and an excellent tool for maintaining self-esteem at a high level. This is often a set of desirable qualities and abilities that we value in others or that help us in achieving our goals. This is how the “ideal self” is formed. At first, babies do not differentiate between themselves and the world around them. As one grows, the bodily “I” begins to develop, with the awareness of which comes an understanding of the non-identity of the internal and external worlds. Later, young children begin to compare themselves with their parents, peers and relatives, finding certain differences. Already in adolescence, we begin to listen to the opinions of others and be interested in how our friends and family see us. It is precisely at this age that the self-image consists of many spheres of our manifestation. Each of us at this age recognizes himself as an individual, part of society. Let’s go through the main points of our “I”: - social “I” (this is our ability to feel comfortable in society, our courage, self-presentation, activity, sociability); - physical “I” (this is love and acceptance of your body, caring for it, taking care of your health; remember that it is health, and not external attributes, that make you attractive to the opposite sex); - moral “I” (it is also called spiritual; this is a system of our beliefs, principles, moral qualities, our honor and dignity, culture and values); - intellectual “I” (these are the qualities of our intellect: speed and flexibility of thinking, creativity and productivity). The best option is when we develop all these aspects harmonious within yourself. But a distortion also happens, then a person can become isolated in one area of ​​life or when one of these areas remains unformed. For example, a scientist who has no family, who does not care about his health, but very quickly solves the most complex mathematical equations. Or a tyrant businessman who knows how to establish relationships with others, winning them over to his side, has excellent intelligence, but at the same time his opponents or even partners are deceived due to the fact that the means are not important to him, but only the goal is significant. Self-esteem and level of aspirations. Did you know that the discrepancy between the “real self” and the “ideal self” serves as the basis for our self-esteem? For example, if we are as close as possible to our desired image, then self-esteem rises. And if, on the contrary, we may suffer from shyness, uncertainty and in every possible way avoid unnecessary tests and checks. Depending on self-esteem, each of us forms a certain level of aspirations for himself, i.e. sets himself tasks of the complexity that he considers surmountable. Next comes the most interesting part. If a person has high self-esteem, he has a high level of self-esteem, but it often happens that a person exaggerates his capabilities and he suffers defeat. Then self-esteem may be underestimated or remain at the same level, but the person will blame circumstances and the environment for his fiasco. Or vice versa, if a person initially has low self-esteem, he sets himself too simple tasks, being content with a small result. Does such “walking in circles” lead to development? It’s unlikely. It’s important to want to change something, to observe yourself, your reactions and desires. Do not be afraid of bold desires, but remember that achieving great goals will require years of serious work. How to get closer to your ideal self? It would seem that thinking about such a question. There are a lot of clear examples now, all that remains is to sew them!
