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I heard the phrase “He who is a fool knows himself...” in the movie “Forrest Gump”. I really heard it. Realized. The film is basically wonderful! I've watched it many times. A very deep story of the life of a man - a boy who was born with disabilities. But his mother loved him very much! A mother's love can work wonders! Forest Gump - he learned to be happy, learned to dream, love, cope with difficulties and, even, was an example for many other people! If you watched this film, you saw his famous race!) Forest ran from unbearability existence... I ran until I felt that I could live on in real life without running away from it. And those who ran with him, behind him, under his responsibility (without asking him - does he need it?) - were disappointed when Forest reached! He reached his goal, the finish line, which gave him the strength to live on! And what about his followers? ? I hope they also found what they needed - the realization that you need to look within yourself, and not run after someone else’s dream when you are in confusion! Let me return to the title - about a fool... Why tell Another that he is a fool? Or the bespectacled guy? Or hunchbacked? Or fat? Or bald? Remind/prick that the Other is not ideal? If a fool is told that he is a fool, then most likely he will not even be offended - he will not understand or will accept it indifferently. Or he will be sad if the degree of his intellectual development is such that it allows him to understand the mockery... But the bespectacled man knows for sure that he sees poorly and without glasses his life is very difficult. You can continue further - along the list... But still, still - what What do people get who so naively/thoughtfully attack the weaker? Sometimes, by the way, choosing the right moment - after all, a weak person doesn’t always have this weakness either - he recovers, gains strength and... then it’s better not to approach him with obvious “insights” like he’s a fool, etc. And these people get a “freebie” "Increasing personal self-esteem! This is part of the series - it asserts itself at the expense of the weak. So everything is so “simple” and obvious. He pricks the Other while he is not able to answer and...feels like a hero!) The authors of the film “Forrest Gump” showed his life as very interesting and eventful. The life of a person who did not have “starting opportunities” like most. Tom Hanks is very expressive as Forest! Forest evokes sympathy among the audience. And it increases self-esteem!) Someone like Forest could do it, so I can too!) And this is actually true! Re-watch this film, even if you’ve already watched it. This is an uplifting film! Now is the time...
