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Oh, how many of them there are in the fields! But each blooms in its own way - this is the highest feat of a flower! Matsuo Basho During organized activities with parents and young children, you become an involuntary witness to the following picture: mother, Usually, the most active child tirelessly compares his child’s behavior and success in completing tasks with other children. Throughout the entire lesson, she tries to apologize for the restlessness and increased curiosity of her child. Completely unwilling to understand that her Theme should not be like Danya, who is phlegmatic by nature: calm, imperturbable, assiduous, sedentary. Her baby is simply of a different temperament, he is a pronounced choleric: fast, mischievous, not assiduous, but very sociable, cheerful and active, and will never behave like this beautiful boy with whom she always associates him, because he is a different person ! Just think about what gives rise to the desire to constantly compare your child, how will this affect his further development and fate as a whole? Parents sometimes think that the child is too small, that he understands little, and that he is still a small person, but he feels everything. And if parents do not notice his originality and look for any inconsistencies, then the child eventually ceases to believe in himself, learns to criticize himself and others, begins to be ashamed of his natural characteristics, strives to meet other people’s expectations, and seeks constant approval. Or, on the contrary, he begins to protest: he behaves defiantly, commits demonstrative and even asocial acts, only in order to attract the attention of his mother, so that she notices him and accepts him for who he is. In order to raise a happy, loving, successful a person, the master of his life, should give attention to his child, noticing his personal successes and, if we compare, then only with him in the past (today you did better than yesterday), love and accept the baby not for some achievements , but simply for the fact that it exists and is proud of its uniqueness. Remember, the more you give, the more you will get back..
