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The SET company has been training business trainers for more than 9 years who can effectively train staff and solve pressing business problems for clients. To find out why business trainers are needed, what kind of profession this is and how relevant it is today, we talked with the head and leading trainer of the project “Effective Training System: Basic business training technologies” - Olga Balashova - Olga, tell me, from your point of view, are there any changes in the work of a business trainer, and how the crisis has affected this work? - Of course there is. Many companies that have decided to train staff have begun to approach this issue more carefully. The crisis taught us to count money. The demands for training have increased. It should be tailored to the client as much as possible. The coach must conduct diagnostics to find out how the company's business works. And if you compare the coach of 2008-2011, then of course there is a difference. A pre-crisis trainer could “travel” standard programs and only have clients who did not require special immersion in the business context. Nowadays, higher demands are placed on a business coach. What is important is an expert position, the ability to speak the same language as the customer, and conduct a sufficient number of meetings to immerse yourself in the specifics of the client’s business. The crisis “cleansed” the market very well, real professionals survived, amateurs had to leave. -Are there many business coaches at all now? -Yes, now there is a wave of training business coaches. There is a lot of competition. Many people leave business to become trainers. This profession has become clear, a large amount of knowledge is accumulating, which is ready to be passed on. In addition, this profession brings in very good income. Not training staff is dangerous for business. An untrained team will only drive away all clients and undermine the company's reputation. Therefore, to build a strong business you need to constantly train your staff. And here there are several options: either look for an external trainer and training company, or train a person within the company who will become an internal trainer. - What ratio should there be of internal and external trainers? - Each company has its own specifics of work, its own experience, its own personnel. If this is a small company, with low staff turnover, where processes have been established, external specialists are enough to train 2-3 times a year, giving new skills and work tools. In a large company, where the personnel composition is constantly changing, an internal trainer is simply necessary . For example, like in Sberbank. There are big changes in business now, personnel rotation, high selection plans and bringing additional office employees to the planned level of efficiency. It is necessary to train personnel aimed at a client-oriented approach, who will know the specifics of the bank and service standards. This can be taught by a specialist who himself understands everything from “A to Z”, and this can only be an internal coach. Not only banks work this way; almost all large companies have this task. For mass personnel, internal trainers will always be needed who will teach the management technologies, communications and sales that the company has. But an internal trainer cannot know everything about everything, and when there is a need to train managers, for example, it may be better to resort to the services of external companies. -Olga, how do you see the profession of a business coach in the future? -I can say one thing, business coaches there will never be too much. This is a physically very expensive profession; you need to have a lot of internal energy resources to hold an audience; not everyone can do this. I think that a good coach can be a person who comes to this profession at the age of 30-35, he already has business experience, life experience, and at the same time he must be a teacher by nature in order to want to pass on his knowledge to others. You can learn training technologies with all these introductory.
