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Why are psychologists needed? It is quite difficult to answer this question unambiguously, because in our society, the profession of psychologist has appeared recently and hence very often psychologists are confused with specialists in such professions as psychiatrists, psychotherapists, psychics, etc. Psychology is the science of the soul, of the inner world of man, of the laws of life and communication in the world of people, of character and abilities of a person and much more. Psychologists, as specialists, work with people who find themselves in difficult life situations. Who among us has not faced life's difficulties? All! And we all cope with them differently. Finding yourself in a difficult situation, a person seems to close himself in the problem, the feeling of control and understanding of what is happening, what happened to him and why disappears. But probably each of you will agree with me that it is important for all of us at such moments in life to feel support and understanding nearby. Often, for various reasons (we protect our loved ones, we rely only on ourselves, we are afraid of condemnation and loss of authority, and many others) we are left with the problem alone. And it is in this situation that an independent look from the outside can help us see the problem differently, show the variety of ways out that are closed to us by our habits and feelings, provide support, give us the opportunity to speak out and be heard. This is a lot! With their endless “tricky” questions and “simple” tasks, psychologists teach us new ways of analyzing a situation and understanding it; help you acquire new skills and habits; get rid of emotional garbage and regain a sober view of the world; help you learn to understand yourself and manage your inner world; awaken inner strength (our resources); regain or acquire self-confidence and the wisdom of life. For this, psychology uses individual and group methods of work. Individual or personal - this is one on one and only with your situation. Group or training is good for those who, for various reasons, cannot fully open up to a stranger. Such a fashionable word, training, is a common practical activity, i.e. training in new ways and skills. Choose what is closest to you. When many people come to a psychologist, they want to hear the “right answer” or advice on how to live. But he's not there! We are used to receiving everything ready-made. But having eaten now, in a few hours we will feel hungry again. Psychology teaches us to find “food” ourselves, and not wait for us to be fed. And this is a lot of work. But it is precisely this simple expectation of a ready-made recipe that is often the reason for refusing the help of a psychologist after the first consultation. But psychologists are not magicians and they are not analgin tablets. They are “conductors” that open up new opportunities for us, but whether we take advantage of them depends on us. Psychologists show the way, but we need to follow it ourselves. No one can change our lives unless we want to change it ourselves. With the help of psychology, this can be done faster, easier and less traumatic. After all, psychology is simply knowledge of the laws of life, but you can always study and learn this. And psychology is happy to share this knowledge with us. We just have to want to study them. Good luck to you, prosperity and harmony in your life! Elena Prudnikova.
