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“Hell and heaven are in heaven,” say the bigots. Having looked into myself, I was convinced of the lie: Hell and heaven are not circles in the courtyard of the universe, Hell and heaven are two halves of the soul." Omar Khayyam A new day has come, and this day is today. What do we choose for ourselves on this day? Are we able to make it the way we want it to be? Are we able to change our future? Or maybe we are changing it and don’t notice it? We can live this day as we always do, sometimes simply realizing that moving in small steps, into the mysterious unknown, full of unpredictable and not entirely expected events, we can change little. Sometimes it’s enough for us to just lie. on the couch, dreaming of wonderful things, but this is unlikely to change anything in our life. Every day we tell ourselves that we need to do this and that, do this and that. We set ourselves unattainable horizons and... For unknown reasons, we do nothing. If trouble happens to our neighbor, we can absolutely confidently point out his mistakes, and we know from what circumstances they arose. But when the question concerns us specifically, we find ourselves at a dead end... We are often committed to not changing anything in our lives and waiting for some forces to put our affairs in order, rather than sacrificing the “crypt” that we ourselves have created over the years .We are too drawn to our past. We turn to him for emotions, for bright memories that no longer exist, picking out from the veins of memory all the moments that we would like to return and live them again. We hold on to the past and don't let it go. That's why we engage in self-criticism. By not doing or doing something, we reproach ourselves for all the actions we perform. And as a result, we often start to get sick due to unnecessary worries. This connection is described in the principles on which psychosomatics is built. We also get sick because of the future that we have dreamed for ourselves, and which does not always come true as we would like. Thus, we find ourselves in a cycle of connection between our problems - illnesses. Therefore, we cannot completely relax, unwind, breathe deeply those air flows that we so need for our full life. Sometimes there are moments when we do not feel moving forward into a bright future. So why hold on to the past? As long as we hold on to the past, the present will not come. And the future, accordingly, will not come without the present, and as long as it is illusory. Turning to the past and future tense does not release the emotional flows of the present. That is, when a person either dreams of an illusory future or lives with memories of the past, then he is not in the present. It’s as if he doesn’t live...What does it mean to live in the present? For me personally, it’s living here and now and working tirelessly on yourself and for yourself. Simply put, by self-improvement, we are in the dynamics of life and are no longer able to allow such processes of stagnation (as mentioned above) to slow us down. What is self-improvement? The definition of the term is as follows. This is self-education or a conscious and purposeful action of a person in relation to himself, with the goal of developing a certain consciousness of morality and moral qualities, in accordance with ideas about the moral ideal. Simply put, this is the conscious development of a person’s personal skills and qualities. Living in a constant process of learning, we begin to see our life and relationships in it from a different angle, we stop dividing life into black and white, we learn to draw a lesson from everything, we ask ourselves vectors for solving our problems. And accordingly, we become masters of our lives! Work for the future, live in the present, remember the past with joy! Sincerely, Yulia Dushenkova Source: http://jamadvice.com.ua
