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The scene is the family: The situation in the house where the Dependent lives: as the household say, “God forbid...”: - “there are fragments of broken dishes all over the kitchen. The door is also broken. A drunken husband snores behind the wall. The children barely went to bed. Little Vova, he is five years old, sobbed until he stuttered. Lena, she is eight, hid somewhere while her husband was raging...” “A 6-year-old son, waking up in the morning and barely opening his eyes, asks: “Mom, is dad still sober?” ? - “He unscrews the light bulbs in the entrances and sells them, he says that everyone steals, and he steals no more than others. He buys vodka with the money he “earns.” However, sometimes things happen differently. “When he doesn’t drink, we have good relationships in our family. He loves children and comes home from work with sweets and oranges. Everything goes to the house... with a good position... We divide all household chores in half. On weekends we get into the car together and go to my mother-in-law...” Description of the role “Dependent”. One of the main characters, one might say central - everything and everyone in the family revolves around the Dependent. The most common content of the role is alcohol addiction, although, in principle, it can be any other. More often than not, this role goes to men, but recently women are increasingly playing it. Being dependent on everything creates a lot of problems and concerns: financial, moral, ethical, and simply everyday inconveniences. The so-called “cultural drinking”: “just a little bit, on holidays...”, “in a decent place and in decent company,” “ with good drinks, and a good snack”, “so that you can just relax after everyday work”, when “the soul asks for a holiday” - ends when there are more holidays for the soul than holidays on the calendar. - “I started drinking, and right away vodka, and a whole glass at once “with a cap” - “I drink almost every day... and I mix everything with vodka, wine and beer - actually, it doesn’t matter to me what to drink.... the main thing is to get drunk” - “And I have the money Everyone goes out drinking for me. I can’t drink a little like other people, like everyone else on holidays. Every day is a holiday for me, and I start drinking a little vodka, maybe a beer, turn on the TV and everything is fine, and nothing else is needed for happiness...” - “I walk for days, anywhere, with friends, with homeless people...” GOAL of the Addicted: no matter where, no matter how, no matter with whom, the important thing is to escape from annoying problems, life difficulties . Leave, evade responsibility in any way, and first of all, for the family. The behavior corresponds to the stage of addiction. - “You know, I drank today, I can’t go to kindergarten to pick up my son, pick him up yourself...” - “Leave me alone, I don’t have time now, I’ll do it later...” - “Why are you pestering me, there is I still have time, I’ll do it...you see, I feel bad!!!! So what, what am I drinking!!! I still make money with my own money, not someone else’s.” “I’m not an alcoholic. Everyone drinks and I drink! I’m not lying under the fence!” “I hate grandmothers on the tram, I get drunk, I get on the tram and shout: “Well, who should I give up my seat here?” and I beat old women, they’ve already thrown me out of the tram several times,” “I decided that all my problems were caused by a sick child, and I decided to throw my children off the balcony and then jump myself. She took her eldest son and opened the door, then the son asked: “Where are you going?” As a rule, those around him, trying to reason with the unlucky one, meet with a powerful rebuff from him - ANGER, anger, rage. I was rude to the boss (every woman will educate me!!!). I got into a fight in a public place (why is he looking at me like that!!!). He beat his wife (the money,..., hid it!!!), hit the child (so that he could study better!!!). This is the feeling expressed, manifested in emotion, in behavior - noticeable to everyone. But... - “One day I bought wine, drank it and felt such shame, emptiness, my own worthlessness, extreme loneliness...” And this is exactly what is deep in the soul of the Dependent, what dominates and guides his behavior - this is the inner spring that makes all his crazy actions unwind. SHAME is a feeling that drives the Addicted, gnaws at him, literally burns from the inside, and from him -/6276/
