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I received a letter on my website: “Good afternoon, Olga Yuryevna! I have this problem: in two weeks I start a new job. I'm very worried and afraid. I don’t know how to behave in a team so that everyone will like me, so that I can have good relationships with everyone, so that they will treat me well. The boss would love you. Before this, I had never worked anywhere. Therefore, I don’t know what’s going on at work, what needs to be done. They explained everything about my responsibilities at the interview, I liked everything, but I don’t know what people I will work with, I know that they are only four girls. I saw the boss himself; he interviewed me. If this is important, he is a calm man, middle-aged (about 35), with a sense of humor. In general, I’m worried and now I don’t know what to do, I’ll have to go to work in two weeks.” A.L., 20 years old Good afternoon, dear Author, unfortunately, you didn’t indicate any name, not even a conventional one... If I understand correctly your situation, then the difficulty lies in fears of the first work experience, of the new team? Are there two more weeks? Great! This means there are still 14 whole days to rethink the difficulties. Let's get started! Look, now you are going to come to a new job and there you will achieve the following goals: 1. everyone will like it 2. Build good relationships with everyone 3. earn the love of your bossAuthor, is it really possible to please everyone? In my opinion, this is impossible. Yes, and a reasonable question: why do you need this? I agree that good relationships with the team are always a big plus in work, it is, so to speak, very profitable :) Often work becomes a joy precisely because of good, friendly relations with colleagues... But it is impossible and absurd to please everyone. Surely there are people at school and somewhere in the company who are less attractive to you than others? Well, what's in it for them? It’s okay, they live and live... Also, someone may not like you very much. About the boss’s love... He has already appreciated your qualities by hiring you. Both business and purely human. Fulfill your responsibilities, work honestly, arrive on time, and don’t go home early. It is possible that these points will be corrected in the process, but at first it is worth paying attention to this. All people have different relationships; your task is to build partnerships and business relationships with your manager, rather than to earn his love. I understand your worries very well. It can be very difficult to find yourself in an unusual, foreign atmosphere. Hence a lot of questions on the topic: how to behave? I think there are no special secrets here. It is best to behave naturally, tuned in to a friendly wave. It is also worth following the rules established in the team before your arrival. For example, if it is a tradition to drink tea and coffee from your own mug, then do not grab the first cup you come across from the common table; if it is customary to contribute money for a general gift to a colleague, contribute; there is a tradition of buying sweets for the office - buy them, leave work in a crowd - don’t run away alone, etc. Yes, there is always more attention to a newcomer than to others; this is a natural process of a person’s “infusion” into a new team: people want to take a closer look at the one who joined their ranks. Don’t try to pretend to be something, to seem not who you really are, being yourself is the best option! Some companies have a tradition of “registration”: this is when a new person “registers” in the team - buys a cake and invites colleagues to drinking tea, say, during lunch or in the morning (when everyone has the opportunity to come). Everyone drinks tea, gets to know each other, and communicates in an informal setting. In men's groups, this ritual is performed not only with cake... :) I think this is a good option for getting to know everyone at once. You can also ask your manager to introduce you to your colleagues. Be prepared for the fact that during the first couple of weeks, no matter how good it is in the new place, you will really want to go home. This is fine. This is how the adaptation process often goes. Good luck with your new one
