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From the author: This material, recorded exactly 2 years ago - in December 2010, is interesting from the point of view of heartfelt events that we all look forward to with impatience and joy, and also continues the theme I raised of communicative, personal interaction and interpersonal relationships in emotional dialogues. The time of duality inexorably brings us closer to the desired transition date of 2012. The less time remains in limited reality, the more our higher “I” - the Solar Angel of the Soul manifests itself, literally, emerging in all its glory from the shadow of the individual. And more and more often we encounter in our lives a synchronous, mirror reflection of the thoughts, feelings, sensations of other people, vibrating with us in unison. This material, recorded exactly 2 years ago - in December 2010, is interesting from the point of view of felt events that we all We look forward to it with impatience and joy, and also continues the topic I raised of communicative, personal interaction and interpersonal relationships in emotional dialogues. Although, perhaps, someone else lives in fear, and for some the promised transformations and bodily transformations seem too unrealistic, but I think many will agree with me that we have become different: more responsive, sensitive, thinking. And at the same time , we still have the same truly human needs for love, trust, acceptance, forgiveness, gratitude, which we are happy to share with those who are ready not only to hear us, but also to mirror something elusive and not fully realized, namely sensation , called the PRESENCE OF LIGHT. Tell me, Sergey, now on the Internet there is a lot of information about the upcoming 2012, which boils down to the fact that the TRANSITION is inevitable, and it will entail a change in the geomagnetic grid of the earth, which will cause power outages and other man-made changes / disasters (recent nuclear power plants out of order, prolonged hurricanes, storms, earthquakes). Do you think this is a likely scenario? - There are some scientists who believe that the Earth’s MHD generator will switch to a 16-circuit plasma filament configuration by the end of 2012. And this will prepare the Earth for the galactic pole shift, precessional alignment, nutation and subsequent stabilization of the planet through the movement of continents (the pole shift has already occurred, with almost imperceptible fluctuations, storms, earthquakes, hurricanes that did not lead to global disasters). Now there is already a crystalline /plasma lattice around the earth (like antimatter) - this is the “key of salvation.” There is also information that the Master Crystals, which were hidden during the time of Atlantis, are activated, and they neutralize the consequences of the lack of electricity and the shutdown of nuclear units at nuclear power plants due to the fact that our Solar system will enter the photon belt of the galaxy with more powerful scalar energy emitted by the beam , emanating from its center at the end of 2012. How did this lattice form? - We created it, with our attraction to the Light of Knowledge, unblocking additional layers/strands of DNA. And also through the main energy in the Universes - the Energy of Love. So love has always existed, where would we be without it. And why then only now did this lattice begin to form? - This lattice has two rings - the outer one is our energy of love and life, and the inner one is supported by crystal children, and later after 2012, by rainbow children who stabilize these two. This unity has never happened so collectively and cohesively, at least not in the troubled times of the earth. Yes, this is very interesting. - Take, for example, the Internet. Millions of people are looking for love, exchanging pleasantries, making acquaintances, flirting, confessing their feelings and all this works for us. In addition, these Internet technologies were brought by Nikola Tesla 100 years ago, and the Illuminati and the Lunar Lords slowed down his evolutionary innovations in all available ways. Doubtful. People don’t invest true feelings and energy through the Internet - 95% are props and games that have little behind them - isn’t it? - No, notquite like that. They subconsciously want real feelings. They just think that all feelings are from the outside, and they are inside, right in the middle in their chest. They just need a mirror to feel it best. :) Moreover, there are no true and false feelings. They are simply too obscured and mixed with negative egregors. Virtual is just that: virtual. And just like in life, everything shatters into pieces, because there is nothing to fuel it. Now many words are easy to pronounce without confirming them with anything, all of this is devalued. - Yes, there is something to feed, you just need to be at least a little in the light yourself, and then others come into your light, by analogy, “moths flying into the light.” Try to be only positive for at least a day. There will be a thousand obstacles. But once you overcome them, you will see how much light there is around. He simply frantically strives outward. Today's average person is 99.9% unconscious. But even 0.1% is sometimes enough to remember a lot. It is possible that people are looking for real feelings. But usually, it is easier for them to dream about it than to give and feel it themselves. Why are people afraid to express this in life when such a chance is given to them? And they are afraid when you express this to them. The impression is as if they are choking. :) - They are afraid of love, because love in their subconscious bears the strongest stigma or brand of SINNINESS, SHAME, SHAME. LOVE is a GIFT. Giving is the prerogative of the soul, receiving is the prerogative of the personality. In their subconscious there is no point - to give. :) Why do we need to strive for awareness. How to make their soul stronger than their personality? Is it possible to help a person with this so that they are not afraid to love? AWARENESS is AWARENESS + KNOWLEDGE + RESPONSIBILITY. - Personally, I do this in every possible way: in personal consultations, and in Spiritual Coaching sessions, and in Energy Information Healing, and in trainings, and on webinars, and through the materials of the site. They are most afraid of responsibility - to answer means to be dependent for them, therefore - slavery - this is their logic. - Slavery is a duty and obligation = must and is tied with shackles of unconsciousness. RESPONSIBILITY - FROM / VET/S/TVENN/OST = C – THE WORD transferred to the beginning means LIGHT, which in total means FROM THE LIGHT THE CENTRAL PART OF OUR – THE OST IS CONNECTED WITH THE TEN OTHERS – WHICH IN THE SUM WITH PERSONALITY FORMES 12. Previously, in ancient times, there existed 12 -rich mathematical number system. Pythagoras used the 10-fold deliberately in order to awaken the millstones of subconscious memory on the one hand, and not provoke the lunar lords on the other, he was a knowledgeable initiate. Yogis also used the 7 chakras consciously, hiding the 5 others, however, hinting at them in the Chinese system 12 channels/meridians. And the 12-chakra Egyptian system deliberately pointed out the “wrong” chakras. All ancient sources of knowledge were created in the same way. You, as a man, what do you think about this, what should be done in this case: one man prone to “male chauvinism” - a man is always right, the boss and no matter how he acts - must be respected his. A painful reaction to the slightest attack on his authority. Here he opens his feelings, confesses his love to a woman. Then he plays with her ego and does not feel like he is going too far. She reacts sharply, which is perceived by him as disrespect. After that, he shuts down tightly and no longer believes any words or confessions on her part, sticks out needles, sarcasm, mockery, etc. Or he simply remains silent - does not explain anything and does not give any information, clues on how to find the key to him. That's what with him? - Was he scared? - In this case, you are looking at the man from the perspective of gender differences. Besides, you are trying to pick up clues to a man's personality using a woman's personality - it doesn't work. The soul can only be reached through the soul and the gift of love. And then any differences do not matter, because the soul is genderless. But this can only be done if you want it with all your heart. But as I feel and feel, you are trying to balance,between two fires of desires and claims. This situation can be considered from two positions of self-development: self-expression and self-affirmation. He, in the way you described, asserts himself, but you want self-expression, which will be accepted and approved. In your case, there is a conflict of expectations, in his position there is a stereotype of behavior. But he does not let me into the soul - he has closed himself, and no matter what I say, he does not believe .- Words are a personality, a soul is actions aimed at giving, and not saying that you want to receive something. A man does not have a direct channel with the soul, like a woman, because he has no connection with emotional-sensual centers directly, only through the integrated mind connected to the heart. Therefore, evolution is now, to a greater extent, created by women (I’m not afraid of the anger of men). For their dissatisfaction is a stimulus not only for their own change, but also for the transformation of men. However, women in no way need to “stick out” their ego, but show the best qualities of the soul. And then your man will wake up. And if a man woke up before you, he will certainly gently wake you up. Love, tolerance, tenderness, empathy, sympathy, acceptance, gratitude, especially gratitude, this is what a modern woman needs to cultivate. For she is potentially “located” on the Ray of Love – Wisdom. She has unconditional love from the very beginning, but she absorbs conditional love from early childhood. What remains is wisdom, which she comprehends as the science of relationships with a man. Gratitude is not thank you, but GOOD + GIFT + RESPONSIBILITY = RESPONSIBLE GIFT OF GOOD. But here’s another situation. People are not nearby - in completely different parts of the world. People don’t have the opportunity to give in real life (live), not at the level of words. And these correspondences and explanations of theirs with words only spoiled everything - because there everyone used their own intonations, understood and interpreted in their own way. So she is trying to explain this and calls for letting go of all these stupidities and misunderstandings, because they have the same essence - they love each other, but he is clearly afraid to do anything now, and does not believe her. - It doesn’t matter. Feelings have no distance. Sometimes women, instead of using feelings and sensations that are not blocked for them, ignore them and want to do everything through understanding and perseverance, thereby becoming similar to men in terms of activity, dynamics and desire to manage the situation, to control it. Definitely, control was invented by women. So, she doesn’t understand what to do - he “de-energized” her - she doesn’t make any contact with her. And she feels that he needs some kind of key, but does not understand what. It seems to her that he is there waiting for something, but she doesn’t understand what. And I can’t help her - I don’t even know what to answer. - BY/NIM/ANIY/- it’s like SILENT MIME, and ANNIYE IS DYING, that is, SUPERFICIAL, SILENT DYING...In my opinion, there is only one way out - “turn off your brains” “at all, remember your feelings and sensations, and also not insist on anything or dominate. Just send the energy of love with all your heart and that’s it! And don’t look for any keys. And if, as they say, “it’s as quiet as in a forest” or “but things are still there,” then let them go. And, moreover, not with resentment, indignation or annoyance, but with gratitude for the opportunity to explore your own personal barriers and lessons that will help you become wiser and allow you to subsequently avoid the same rake of mistakes. This is the main law of LOVE, in which it plays a key role The Law of Free Will or Free Choice, not to mention the Law of Non-Causing Harm. Well, she says that she is also silent now - she’s waiting for him to show up. So in such cases there is only one thing - time and waiting? - Not really. There is no need to live with expectations that are too weakening and waste energy. You just need to let go in peace. If he is her man, he will certainly make himself known. She can just tell him about it... What exactly? - Say everything that comes from her heart without attachment. Everything that feels and feels for him, without understanding, everything without embellishment and concealment. But without negativity, regret or hurtself-love and pride. Negativity is always a manifestation of personality and its constant tragedy. The soul is always positive. Let him try to be his best mirror. A man most often does not like showdowns and showdowns. This deprives him of his strength and gives rise to irritation, anger and aggressiveness. So, the absence of claims and offenses are the right tools. Yes, she said that she said everything that was in her heart, without concealment. Did not believe. Still won’t let her near her now.” I imagine that she spoke with emotion. For in this case, she was prompted to speak by fear of loss. A man feels fear very well - this is the archetypal emotion that is most familiar to him. And when a man feels someone else’s fear, a feeling of superiority arises in him, turning into disdain and pity, and even, possibly, compassion. But compassion will not be able to motivate him to accept her. In her case, you need to sit down and calmly write everything on paper as if she had already come to terms with the loss. Calmly, judiciously and without self-pity. Then read all this carefully the next day. Correct if there is negativity or if tears come to her eyes. And so on until all the brightest remains, framed by a smile on her lips. Then we can really consider this situation settled. For even with his consent and a change of opinion (which most men are very reluctant to do), she will retain her face and acquire a new quality - self-sufficiency, leveling and successfully replacing arrogant pride. Days of the week and even months may pass in this way, but this is the best inspection of feelings. And in no case should you try to do anything in a fit of feelings. Because a woman’s obsession is an alarming signal for a man. Detachment, sometimes referred to in the East as inaction, is the best medicine. If she really loves this man, and is not emotionally attached to him, then let her send him her love through the heart center - the emerald ray - without disturbing or destroying anything. If he has a reciprocal feeling - it will awaken. If not, then let him thank fate for preventing the further development of relations that were doomed to failure in advance. Yes, this is probably the best solution. She is a very emotional lady. Perhaps this will help her figure out what she still doesn’t see. In the end, as I said, time will put everything in its place, she just needs to wait... - You can also wait in different ways. It’s better not to just wait, but to monitor your sensory-intuitive and bodily reactions and cut off melancholic emotions and depressive moods. In separation and loneliness, she gets to know herself best, and this is no small thing. This situation is interesting to me - I myself was once in such a situation, but it was easier for me - there was a person nearby. There I looked into my eyes and immediately understood and felt everything. And when they communicate like this, via Skype, there is a lot of distorted perception and hence misunderstanding. They did a lot of things there and now they are both suffering. Fate separated the people, and now they have brought them together again, but now they don’t even know each other’s real addresses - they all communicated via Skype. That’s why it’s difficult for her to give it away. - Or maybe she doesn’t want to admit to herself that the current impasse in relationships is a period for re-evaluating herself and her attitude towards a man, in principle? How ready is she for a real relationship? This does not mean at all that all live relationships need to be tested through virtual experience. But it is her soul’s choice to go through this lesson as an individual. And this lesson is called Trust or self-belief. I believe, that means I know. If I don’t know myself, then how can I recognize and mirror another person? And it is in such ups and downs and conflicts that the essence of our nature is revealed. When she gains faith in herself, then she will meet in this man or in another a feeling of the same quality/quality/resonance. The Law of the Mirror or Reflection has not been canceled. Then, I think, she will be limited to periodic sending into the universe and waiting. :) Well, for my part, I will convey to her your wishes and recommendations. I am very grateful to you, Sergey,
