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Antifragility is a person’s ability to benefit from his failures and failures - to find value in them, to learn from his mistakes and to perceive everything negative that happens to him as a valuable experience. For a person who has With this ability, stressful situations are not a step back, but ten steps forward! Failures only harden them, make them stronger, push them to go into deeper development. Antifragility is possessed by everything that has the ability to adapt and adapt to changes in life conditions. At the same time, do not confuse antifragility with invulnerability! Antifragility does not mean that you don’t mind any problems and there are no difficulties for you. You do not choose a strategy of avoiding or ignoring problems, you do not try to create the appearance of a superman. It's about recognizing problems and being able to find the best solutions to them. You fall, but you rise even stronger than you were before - this is about having antifragility. When the experience of problems only changes you for the better. The key property of antifragility is the love of mistakes. Antifragility helps you take action even when you have absolutely no idea what to do or where it will take you. Thanks to which you quickly adapt to new conditions. In the modern world, it is extremely important to learn this skill, since everything is constantly changing. Crises, epidemics, new and new problems are coming that present us with new and new challenges! And it is important to learn how to resist them so as not to break. It is important to learn to maintain peace within yourself, even when the outside world loses its balance. We all know how easy it is to lose something you've spent years building because of a sudden problem that you weren't prepared for. And how hard it is then to return to your usual rut, to put yourself back together piece by piece. Antifragility helps to minimize losses due to crisis situations as much as possible and turn troubled times to your advantage. Antifragility is no longer a bonus, but a necessity! Fragile and vulnerable people have a very hard time coping with problems, they quickly lose their energy and resources, and then very It takes a long time to recover, and the valuable time of their life passes inexorably. The ability to be prepared for unfavorable conditions, to love your mistakes and to see new opportunities even where there seem to be none are some of the most important skills for a modern person! To take your first step to success and rich thinking, start working through your limiting attitudes according to the algorithm I described. You will find a list of the main 200+ limiting settings at this link - https://skydzen.ru/data/uploads/pdf/praktikapoiskaubezhdenij/practicum.pdf. I suggest continuing and deepening the work you have done in a personal consultation 👉 WhatsApp, Tel: +79086311911 👉 Subscribe https://t.me/lifeuspeh
