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1. Arjuna asked: “O My Lord! Of those who follow the path of love towards You, And those who want to realize You as the Absolute without name and form, Who will achieve the goal faster?” 2. Lord Sri Krishna replied: “For those who loved Me with all their hearts, Who are firm in faith and completely devoted to Me, The path of Love will lead to Me faster. 3. But those who seek the Transcendental Reality, Without name and form, for thoughts and feelings inaccessible, 4. Whoever subjugates the feelings and calms the mind, Strives sincerely for the good of all living, They will reach Me too 5. However, this path is long and dangerous And it is difficult for a person 6. Who completely devotes himself to Me and for. for whom I am the Goal of life, Who selflessly thinks about Me, 7. I will quickly deliver them from rebirths And I will bring them to Eternal Life, I will bring them to Myself 8. Just calm your mind and immerse it in Me, Silently abide in Me, And. you will certainly unite with Me, with Me, the Lord of Love, in your living heart. 9. But if you are not able to stop your mind, then meditation will help you, strive diligently to master this practice. 10. But if the will is not enough for this, Then engage in good deeds, selfless service, for service will ultimately lead you to Me. 11. And if you cannot do even this, surrender yourself completely to Me. Calmly look at everything that I send you, and humbly accept both joys and sorrows. 12. Of course, knowledge is better than any spiritual efforts without comprehension, But meditation is much better than knowledge, And better than meditation is devotion to God, For it gives peace and quiet. 15. I love someone who is incapable of hating, responding to hatred with love. The one who never thinks: “I”, “Mine”, The one who equally accepts joy and suffering. 14. Satisfied with everything and restrained in feelings, and firm in faith, surrendered to Me with heart and mind, Such is dear to Me. 15. He who does not worry himself and does not disturb anyone around him, who accepts life as it is, with its good and evil, 16. He who is pure in thoughts, able to act and detached, ready to fulfill My every command - an obedient instrument in My work . 17. He is dear to Me who does not strive for pleasure. He is not afraid of suffering and is not sad about the past, does not lust in the present, dispassionately accepting everything that life sends, 18-19. He who serves friend and enemy with equal love, does not rejoice in praise and does not suffer from blasphemy, in heat and cold, in joy and in sorrow, he remains equally at peace, free from selfishness and self-will, such is dear to me. 20. But those who walk the path of Love and Faith are dearer to Me than all of them. Striving towards Me as the Highest Goal of life, They, overcoming death, go to Immortality".
