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Today I invite you to talk about thinking. More precisely about your way of thinking. What images do you think in? What categories? How do you think? This is a fairly important question, because depending on your way of thinking - effective or ineffective for you - you create your special personal reality, you build your life. Talk about good or bad ways of thinking. Compare your way of thinking to someone else's. This whole thing is thankless and pointless. First of all, you already have it. Exactly yours! Your dear and beloved. And the most important thing is whether you know how to use it effectively for you, whether its use brings you fruit and whether your dreams come true. Many believe that it is more effective to change your way of thinking. Personally, I think that it is much more effective to first learn to use what you already have. If after this you see a more effective option, you can always replace or correct something. In fact, this is what consultation with a specialist is for. Now I would like to present you with three real-life examples. Three different people. Three different life paths. Three completely different sets of experiences. I encountered this situation last week... I had to make a trip from point A to point B, 250 kilometers long. The characters in the situation: me, not a driver at all; a young good driver; an old experienced driver. After I found out about For the upcoming trip, I checked the Yandex card (the PR was not paid for, but the universe is friendly and I’m sure it will reward me). There they showed me the three most effective options for how to get there. I relaxed and informed the young driver about this, who was actually supposed to be driving. The old, experienced driver studied in detail the road atlas he had. I figured out which roads were better to take, which were more straight and intact. After which I worked out the shortest and most convenient path. He could explain this path even without a map at hand. He said that he was ready to tell the young good driver how to get there as efficiently as possible. The young driver found out that roads from point A to point B definitely exist, since I and the old experienced driver told him about it. When we got into the car, he set his navigator to point A and point B, and we drove off. He calmly listened to the navigator’s commands and took us to point B. The most surprising thing for me was that when the old experienced driver wanted to discuss the road with the young good driver, Ioloda simply answered: “I don’t remember the road, I just went where the navigator pointed me.” . An interesting fact is that the road of the old experienced driver and the road that the young, good driver was driving according to the navigator differ by only a kilometer. The old, experienced driver developed a route shorter than the one suggested by the navigator. With different ways of thinking, all three used theirs quite effectively. I, as a completely non-driver, didn’t worry and was just a passenger. The young good driver did not bother himself with information he did not need. The old, experienced driver knew the road perfectly. And... my question still stands: what kind of thinking do you have??
