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MEETING PLACE, Italy, 2017. European cinema pleases me. A wonderful, intimate film. Only the perspective and time of day change. Watch it carefully, this film does not entertain, but draws you into thought. What we love) I definitely recommend watching it. Available on YouTube. NEFARIUS, mystical thriller, (2023) Surprisingly, this film has an undeservedly low rating. Perhaps because it is still fresh and the viewer has not had time to appreciate and feel it. What helps me watch such strongly religious films is not being affiliated with one religion or another. Only a philosophical and psychological context. You will not enjoy watching it, no and no, rather the opposite. But art should evoke such feelings. It's like the collision of water and fire, darkness and light. There is no good and evil here, no right and wrong. The meaning of this film for me personally is the thin blade between this and that. Would I recommend it to you? Well, of course. Will I watch it again? Undoubtedly, yes. PARENTS, 1989 (16+) A magnificent film about unconditional love and acceptance of yourself as a parent and your children. A movie from “that golden time of Hollywood family films”! Using the example of several generations of one large family, very important social roles are described. The necessary and correct words are spoken. The actors seem to live not the role, but the lives of the characters - they are so immersed in the vicissitudes of their heroes. Whatever situations happen in this “very different” family, they are saved by love, patience, understanding and respect for each other. Well, and, naturally, young Keanu Reeves, young Joaquin Phoenix will not leave any movie fan indifferent. ANALYZE THIS, 1999 (16+) and ANALYZE THAT, 2002 (16+) Ben Sobol, an American psychoanalyst, already has enough worries in his life. A narcissistic and brilliant psychologist - a father, an indifferent mother, a teenage son living with Ben, a scheming ex-wife... And just about happiness appeared on the horizon, Ben met a beautiful girl and is preparing for the wedding, when a depressing mafioso falls on his head... . And away we go... Two wonderful gangster comedies for the weekend 😎 I invite you, my dears, to a consultation. You can find me on Telegram as @AnnBretstein, on WhatsApp at phone number 8-909-940-02-20❤️ Together we will cope with this. any “beast”.❤️ Was this article useful to you? Feel free to click “say thank you”, it will help me a lot. Leave comments and subscribe so as not to miss interesting publications) Thank you )
