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Eric Berne developed a psychotherapeutic approach called transactional analysis. This approach helps to understand interpersonal relationships. Eric Berne wrote such wonderful books as, for example: “Games People Play” and “People Who Play Games”. Transactional analysis helps to understand how behavior and communication between “adults” is controlled ", "parent" and "child" within us. The inner child is an integral part of our personality, it represents our emotions, desires, needs. When we rebel, when we say “I want” and go ahead, when we achieve what we want, when we are capricious - this is how our inner child manifests itself. The inner child retains memories of our past events and experiences, which can influence our emotional responses in the present. That is, this behavior, those habits of ours that we developed in our childhood and now apply in our adult life. The inner child reflects our emotional reactions that arise in response to events in the external world. This can be joy, sadness, fear, playfulness, etc. Further. The inner adult is the rational, conscious and analytical part of our personality. The inner adult uses logic, reason and observation to make decisions and adapt to situations. It is based on current reality and is able to analyze information, apply logical thinking and rational decision making. The inner parent is the part of personality that is based on the perception and internal representation of our parents or other authority figures. The inner parent can manifest itself through internal rules, advice, criticism, norms and values ​​that were instilled in us in childhood. It can be nurturing, strict, critical or supportive. Transactional analysis suggests that we interact with other people and with ourselves through communication between these three states - “child”, “adult” and “parent”. Which combination is active during an interaction can determine the nature of our communication.
