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In 1986, the book “In Search of Effective Management” by T. Peters and R. Waterman was published in the USSR. The book is a report from one of the world's leading consulting corporations, McKinsey&Co, on a global comparative study of the organization of life in the world's leading companies in the early to mid-80s and companies that began to lag behind (former leaders). Eight factors of life organization were identified. 1. Immediate and each time a special reaction to emerging problems. In such companies, temporary creative teams are often created and creative conditions are created for them.2. Great attention to working with clients. New services are being invented all the time. The following principles are professed: the client should feel good and interested in our company. 3. The independence, enthusiasm, and enterprise of employees is supported in every possible way. 4. Labor productivity primarily depends on relationships in the team, on the atmosphere, on the general (both superiors and subordinates) interest in the common cause. Managers are required, first of all, to create and maintain such an atmosphere. An atmosphere in which people truly have a common cause that they consider their own.5. The company must have its own mission in the world, according to which employees comprehend both the results of its activities and their own stay in the company. This “mission” is not an invented one and is an obscure and non-binding slogan imposed by managers on their employees. The mission is the fruit of constant discussion by people in the company of the question: “My place in this world? What is the meaning of my work? The mission is constantly updated6. The company must have one main business, which is well studied. Those who diversify so much that they have many equally powerful businesses invariably lag behind.7. Leaders do not rise above their subordinates. The management structure is very simple and few in number. The offices are small. There is no arrogant wealth in clothing.8. Greater autonomy of company divisions. Flexibility of the organizational structure. Creation of temporary units T. Peters recently conducted a follow-up global study. To briefly convey the conclusions, today all these trends have continued and worsened among the world's leading corporations. At the same time, flexibility and creativity have become even more important. They always come up with something new there, even if the old one was quite good.
