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Some unpleasant situations or something is happening in your life that infuriates you and does not suit you. Perhaps the same situations often happen to you in a circle. All this causes anger and irritation. You sit and think: why is this happening to me? I'm in trouble again! For example: Money comes to you and you immediately spend it, Or someone constantly borrows from you and doesn’t give it back. Maybe toxic people, married men cling to you. Instead of acting and achieving your goal, you start cleaning, cooking, shopping. That is, you procrastinate and put it off. I start binge eating or drinking alcohol to stress. Remember any situation in your life that drives you crazy. Then we ask ourselves 3 questions that will help you quickly dot the “i”s, figure it out and understand why you need this situation. Personally, I use these questions and teach this technique to my clients. So that if something happens, they can get out of any difficult situation and cope with it on their own. Now I am sharing with you. And so, 3 questions: So what? What need am I covering with this? How else can I cover this need? For example, instead of writing an article, a post, recording a video and talking about your services, you start cleaning, walking, doing laundry, shopping. Why do you need this? To what? For example, to not do what you are afraid of. You have thoughts: What will people think and what will they say about me? Behind this is often the fear of criticism and condemnation. What need are you filling with this? The need for calm. That is, when you do not appear on social networks, you are calm and not worried. Since no one criticizes you, and you do not leave your comfort zone. Next is the third question: How can you meet this need differently? For example, you can work with a psychologist on your fear of judgment and criticism. Thus, you will begin to calmly write posts, articles, record videos, speak at networking events, and on stage. Attracting more and more clients and increasing your income. How did you manage to capture the essence of the three questions? Let us help you sort out your situation. Write it below in the comments, we’ll work on it)
