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"There is no money", "the money will run out", "there will be no money" - the most common fears among my clients🤯💸This fear greatly ruins life and is exhausting, especially if you you work for yourself. Moreover, in most cases it is absolutely irrational, that is, there are no real prerequisites for the money to suddenly disappear: you are not fired from your job, you are healthy, your business is working one way or another... Where do such fears come from? 🧐➡transgenerational trauma (generational trauma) . In the Russian Federation and the CIS, 90% of the population suffers from injuries related to money and property. In other words, your parents/grandparents/or even great-grandparents suffered some kind of financial or property loss, and this fear was imprinted on the entire family system. Now it is no longer relevant, but you continue to live through someone else’s fear as part of this system.‼If the fear of losing money is completely irrational, you personally have not had such an experience, and it literally causes panic, most likely this is it.➡family myths and attitudes regarding money. How do you feel about money? What is wealth to you? How did your family approach money? Was it customary for you to save on everything, treat yourself rationally, pamper yourself and your loved ones, or maybe waste money left and right?➡general level of self-confidence. If you are used to devaluing yourself and your abilities, the fear of losing money may be a consequence.➡infantilism and a childish position. I have already written about the fact that “children in life” do not have money: money is the prerogative of Adults. “Children” do not control the financial flows in their lives, hence the fear. If you understand the nature of your fear, it is much easier to cope with it. In most cases, you can get rid of it in 2-3 sessions, and within a couple of months of subsequent individual work according to the scheme, the fear of losing money goes away completely. The result is not just a decrease in anxiety, but also an increase in financial performance, since fear is a huge deterrent. While we are afraid, we cannot act and manifest ourselves: we are literally paralyzed. We froze. 🔥To figure out where exactly you have this and other fears that are slowing you down in financial development, I invite you to group therapy on financial growth. Start: next week, from May 25, on weekdays. Duration - approximately 4 meetings once a week. In groups there are no more than 3 people for maximum study. Cost - 1500 rubles / meeting. Techniques for independent psychological study are available on my telegram channel, to get a complete database of techniques for any request (both client and for independent study), write in private messages or in telegram
