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I tore my mouth, I blinked and gouged out. Associate Professor “Gentlemen of Fortune” I thought for a long time where to start describing such a combination of radicals in the psychotype. And I decided, without indicating a specific name and names of cities, to give a short list of only documented life circumstances a reference example, in my opinion, taken from Wikipedia. For a drunken brawl during a flight from M to B in December 2012, he was found guilty of petty hooliganism and fined 800 rubles. According to Interfax, A. “molested passengers, provoked them into a fight, did not respond to comments from flight attendants, demanded alcohol, used obscene language, smoked on the plane.” In 2013, while having dinner in one of the Moscow cafes, A. entered into a conflict with a company vacationing there. The conflict escalated into a fight, as a result of which one person was injured and taken to the hospital. Since the parties reached a reconciliation, the case was possibly dismissed in court. In 2013, the general director stated that, in his opinion, A. came to training drunk, did not prepare for the fight and refused to take tests from the medical commission. He was involved in the case of assault beating and rape of a 26-year-old housekeeper. In 2014, a criminal case was initiated against A. He was suspected of committing a crime under Part 1 of Art. 132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (violent acts of a sexual nature) and Part 2 of Art. 325 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (passport theft). According to investigators, on the night of 2014 in the apartment, A. committed violent acts of a sexual nature using violence against a woman who was cleaning his apartment. After that, he stole the victim’s passport from her bag. The act of violence was repeated several times during the night. He did not appear for questioning, and therefore was put on the federal wanted list. In the morning, being on the federal wanted list, a month later, while driving a car, he got into an accident on the road, losing control of the vehicle while exiting a turn. Judging by the video of eyewitnesses, a reinforced concrete pole fell to the ground from the impact, the car received severe damage to the front part, was detained at the scene of the accident and transferred to a pre-trial detention center. In 2015, he was sentenced to 4.5 years in prison with a fine of 50 thousand rubles for raping a housekeeper. In 2019, A. was detained by law enforcement officers. The reason for the arrest was a violation of traffic rules, an attempt to escape and a traffic accident. At the time of the incident, A. was drunk. In 2020, at a recreation center, A. was detained for drunken brawling. An administrative protocol was drawn up against him under the article “Petty hooliganism.” The reader who is already familiar with the manifestations of the epileptoid radical, I think, remembers that one of the features of this radical is aggression, which the epileptoid in the social field has to constantly restrain. But in any case, it is still accumulates over time and can break out at the slightest trifle. But all other psychotypes, including the epileptoid radical, except in combination with the unstable one, can still show their aggression without breaking the law. Well, at least they try to do so. And an unstable epileptoid also tries not to break the law, but in view of this very instability, that is, high impulsiveness, this turns out much worse than others. Plus, again, often excessive use of alcohol or other psychoactive substances further reduces the ability to restrain the inherent epileptoid radical aggression. During school years, such teenagers are a headache for the entire school: teachers, the school principal and parents whose children have to study at this school. Teachers no longer demand diligence from such students, realizing the absolute futility of their efforts in this matter. And even they no longer require showing respect for themselves, since here too there are almost no options. At least they don’t disrupt the lesson by sitting in the back desk, minding their own business. And I think that all teachers simply dream of getting rid of such a student. And many when he misseslessons, they just try not to notice it. Here I remembered a joke that would be on topic here: Petrov, have you done your homework? - No! I went to see my sister in the hospital. - Sit down, two. Ivanov, have you done your homework? - No! I helped my mother around the house. - Sit down, two. Sidorov, did you do your homework? - No! - Why? - My brother came home from prison yesterday, so we celebrated this event. - Don’t scare me with your brother! Sit down, three. I think that many teachers are simply, in fact, afraid of such students and are ready to simply give them C grades so as not to provoke their characteristic aggression in their direction. Of course, not all teenagers with this psychotype take a strong antisocial position at school. Here, too, there are factors influencing the behavior of a teenager. Or better yet, factors that restrain or, on the contrary, enhance antisocial and criminal behavior. Still, this teenager with this psychotype, thanks to the epileptoid radical, respects authorities and honors subordination. It’s just that school and teachers are not an authority for him. But here are the parents, who also have in their psychotype, a strong epileptoid radical, may well have this authority in their eyes. In addition, they may have an older brother, again with a strong epileptoid radical, but without instability. And then the unstable epileptoid tries, or better yet, tries to follow the social norms of society. Periodically breaking down and receiving punishment, he tries again until the next breakdown. By the way, this format can continue into adult life, of course, provided there is authority. A good example of this is Mike Tyson, who, of course, was more of an unstable epileptoid than a hyperthymic one. And while his first coach was alive, he led a pretty decent lifestyle. Well, after his death, I think everyone knows what happened or began to happen to Mike. Here I will make a small digression. A reader who reads the entire book from the very beginning could, I think, pay attention to the fact that when describing various psychotypes with an unstable radical, I give examples that I have already given when describing combinations with a hyperthymic radical. And I think this needs to be explained. When I started writing this book, I did not plan to describe the unstable radical separately. Since it is in many ways reminiscent of hyperthymic, which the reader already knows about. I included unstable in the description of the hyperthymic radical. I don’t want to correct it now, and I believe that this form of describing psychotypes will contribute to an even better understanding of it. So, while describing the unstable radical now, I thought, what is the difference between a hyperthymic radical and an unstable one, since they are similar in many ways? Where can we draw a fundamental divide between these radicals? And I asked this question to my wife, a psychologist and co-author of my first and this second book. “Very simple,” she answered. – I see the hypertim as good, and the unstable as evil. That’s for sure. After all, hypertim, compared to other radicals, has a larger amount of happiness hormones. That is, he is more often than others in an upbeat, good mood. And therefore we can say that in a hypertim the based emotion is the emotion of joy. But in an unstable person this is not so and there you can often observe anger, fear, and sadness. Moreover, these emotions, due to high impulsiveness and a weak ability to restrain them, manifest themselves very clearly, much brighter than those of other radicals. So we conclude: The more often and more a person is in a good mood, the more hyperthymic he is. And so we move on. Having escaped from school into adulthood In life, almost all young people, even boys, even girls, begin with this psychotype, I think we can use this expression here, to play around to the fullest: drinking, fights, drugs, gangs, showdowns between boys and girls. And promiscuous sexual relations, but only among guys. I’ll explain why it’s so that only guys have it. This psychotype has a high animal rank, and not only does he have it, but he always wants to show and prove it. And among males, the number of sexual relations in animals living in packs or herds is always clearan indicator of this rank. The more connections, the higher the rank. But for females this is no longer the case. And a large number of sexual relationships does not increase, but on the contrary, lowers the rank. Hence the differences between this psychotype in male and female sexual strategies. Although, I know one woman with this psychotype who once told her friend. “If I had such a slender figure like you, I would beat all the men in the area.” And indeed, it happens that women with this psychotype always take a dominant position in relation to men. It also often happens that they become lesbians, again paired with their partner, taking an active dominant position. In general, in this pair she is the man. But youth ends for a person with this psychotype, and this is good news. With age, the rational, restraining parts of the brain still somehow mature, and impulsivity begins to decline. And the unstable epileptoid has more opportunities to restrain animal needs and follow the norms and rules of the surrounding society. True, by this time, for survivors of turbulent youth, these rules and norms often turn out to be the rules of the criminal community. And then it is no longer the young man who occupies a high position in this community. Often this is a thief in law. But really, what is the exact definition of this psychotype? An epiletoid is always a moralistic lawyer who ensures that those around him follow the rules, while a thief is an unstable one. So it turns out that an unstable epileptoid is a thief in law. Of course, among thieves in law, there are other psychotypes, there are many hysterical and paranoid, but unstable epileptoids are more than others. And if not even more than others, because no one has researched this issue conducted, but this is exactly how filmmakers most often portray thieves in law. Remember feature films about criminal communities, everywhere in leadership positions (gang leaders and leaders of organized crime groups) the character, in the vast majority of cases, will have an unstable epileptoid psychotype. Often by the age of thirty this psychotype finds himself in operational work in the internal affairs bodies. Where, of course, he is no longer engaged in the fight against crime, but in his own enrichment, using the opportunities provided by this position. Alas, this is the reality of the post-Soviet space. Well, by the age of forty, those who survived the meat grinder that his own psychotype gave a person can even succeed quite well in life, finding themselves the owner of a large business, selected, no, it’s better to say conquered in brutal war with competitors. And they may end up in the chair of a deputy, governor, or even in the government. Although they may also find themselves in some position in the church. By coming there at the beginning, it is possible to tame your demons, atone for the sins of your youth and lead a godly lifestyle. But subconsciously, in fact, realizing that otherwise you simply won’t survive any longer. Well, and then, having figured out what’s what, it’s not bad to get settled in terms of material well-being. As for family relationships. I think everyone here already understands everything. This psychotype, again, whether in the person of a woman or in the person of a man, will always show, as it is now fashionable to say, abusive behavior. Although usually such men are very attractive to women looking for strong men. Well, but women, I think, create relationships , not so much on the basis of her attractiveness (female attractiveness doesn’t fit with this psychotype, I can’t imagine it, although attractiveness, of course, is a matter of taste), but rather by showing the most powerful activity in this direction, not allowing her chosen victim to escape . Which in turn often turns out to be schizoid, emotive or anxious. A good example of a soft female version of this psychotype is the characters of Kartunkova in the Pyatigorsk team in KVN. I see that the description of this psychotype did not turn out to be very attractive. And it may seem that people with such a combination of radicals are doomed to asocial or criminal behavior. Yes, they are.
