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A fairy tale that we remember as the first we heard in childhood can be very therapeutic for us and then it will be useful to analyze it on our own or with the help of a psychologist who works with fairy tales. For independent analysis, first of all you need to remember the fairy tale. If you don’t succeed right away, then try to turn off your head and trust your feelings. Sit comfortably, close your eyes and do a short meditation to relax your muscles. You can follow your breathing or use other meditation systems. When your body is relaxed, return your thoughts to the theme of fairy tales and let the images appear on their own. The fairy tale about which these images will most likely be the first. Do not rush to re-read it right away. First, tell yourself the story as you remember it. You can even write it down. Think about what parts of the story resonate strongly with you. What makes you happy or angry, or perhaps puzzles you or seems stupid? Which character do you identify with? Do your choices change depending on the scenes? How do the characters in fairy tales make you feel? Someone makes you angry, someone perhaps delights you, is someone’s figure attractive or repulsive to you? Do you meet people who have a similar set of qualities to you or evoke similar emotions? How do these heroes relate to the one with whom you identify? Would you like to replay the fairy tale, behave differently on behalf of the heroine with whom you identify? Having answered these questions, find the most complete and least adapted text of the fairy tale and read it. Is everything as you remembered or is something different? Maybe some moments were forgotten or remembered differently? What does this tell you? Do these moments change anything in your feelings and attitude towards the situations and characters of the fairy tale? In psychodrama therapy, you can act out this fairy tale, hear messages from the heroes or from important objects of the fairy tale, replay it differently and try to experience a different experience and model of behavior, as well as to clarify possible patterns of reactions or behavior that are reflected in your life. I wish you good luck with your immersion in the world of fairy tales and it will be interesting to hear a review or story about what worked, what didn’t, whether it was useful or did not resonate at all.
