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From a message sent to me on a public website: “In fact, I will be a loser all my life, this is even indicated by Sheldon’s theory about the connection between physique and temperament. According to this theory, one type is characterized by a soft character, melancholy , vulnerability, quiet voice, lack of self-confidence, unemotional character, introversion, mental instability, and also a tendency towards schizophrenia. I don’t know about the latter, but everything else completely characterizes me. There was never any communication with classmates, there was no talk about relationships with girls. I’m mediocre in everything I do. I’m also registered with the PND. I won’t live this life without psychological help, I’m just a miserable helpless creature. I feel like everyone is laughing at me, even those closest to me. I’ll turn to psychologists. hoping to improve the situation, but everything will fall into place and repeat itself. I dreamed of being a normal, cheerful person like everyone else, building relationships, and without a card in the PND, but no, even life laughs at me. What did I do to her, why was I born this way? It turns out that I have always been an idiot. It's a stigma. Mostly, those who want to help simply entertain with false words that everything will be fine. But they know it won't happen, and I know it. After all, they are not in such a situation. They just hope that I get the placebo effect and live out my miserable existence into old age. I look at my peers and they have everything, and I have nothing. I dream of being like them, but I also envy them. Anxiety, panic attacks, how exhausted I am from them! I just want to ask nature: “Why?” And go to hell by jumping from a high-rise building. Apparently this is the fate of such second-rate freaks of natural selection like me, apparently for this nature creates people like me, just laughing at me. Probably it will be so, I cannot accept the life that will consist of antidepressants that are supposedly capable of making an adored ladies' man out of a man."My answer: There are two bad news and three good: 1. Luck is a set of basic competencies: observation, determination, optimism, proactivity. The bad thing here is that it is impossible to change it quickly , it takes a lot of regular practice to work on yourself. The good thing is that change is possible with enough diligence. A striking example: Google it, you will like it. 2. Sheldon’s theory has not received experimental confirmation, it is more from the realm of superstitions than real facts. There are many opposite examples. In general, there is no direct relationship between the constitution of the body and the characteristics of the psyche. 3. To put it simply, a person is a physiological status plus a system of meanings and beliefs. Physiological status changes with regular procedures and training. But everything you think to yourself is the totality of what those around you have told you. And also what you came up with for yourself. It's like a program on a computer; if it doesn't work very well, you should upgrade it. Negative thoughts create negative emotions and ultimately a negative life. It is very important to change beliefs. How? Here I would recommend contacting a good CBT therapist. Yes, that's good news.4. I’m not going to console you, I’ll just turn to the facts. Most of the great people were sick and very special in childhood, but they were able to pull themselves together and develop important qualities. There is only one choice, you either set your goal, pull yourself together and, despite the circumstances, work on yourself, or plunge into self-pity and bury yourself in suffering with your own hands. In the end, everything depends on your decision. And this is the second good news, since only you choose, without reference to the situation or the availability of strength and capabilities. While you are in the hole of your ideas, the prospect is not visible, but this does not mean that it does not exist. And first of all, you yourself must help get out of this hole in life.5. Determines the focus of attention. Any quality can be perceived both as a highlight and a manifestation of charisma and as a drawback. If you fixate on a problem area, then you drown in it. If you see in any
