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How to determine your sexual temperament? Or how can you understand that you and your partner have the same “desire”, and then it won’t turn out that he persuades you to have sex every day? Or maybe, on the contrary, you follow him every day with an outstretched hand? To define sexual temperament, let's consider such a term as sexual constitution. Sexual constitution is a series of biological parameters that determine the level of sexual need, that is, the degree of our sexual desire, which comes precisely from nature. The stronger our sexual constitution, the higher it is. And since these are biological characteristics, they are easy to determine from your body. A special scale has been developed for this: for obvious reasons, it will be different for men and women. Sexual constitution can be weak, medium and strong. In general, the earlier a person’s puberty began and ended, the more intense sexual desire will be throughout life. Now more about the Sexual Constitution: 1. Basic criteria for determining PC: To determine the type of their sexual constitution, women need to pay attention to age, in which the first menstruation occurred. With a weak type, the first period will come at 15-18 years old, with an average type - at 13-14, and with a strong type - at 10-11. The next point will be the hair growth of the intimate area: the thicker and more wavy the hair there, the stronger the type of constitution. Also, when determining the level of sexual need, the age of the first orgasm, the width of the palms and feet, the ease of childbirth and the age of menopause are taken into account. As for men, the age of awakening of sexual desire and the first emission (involuntary ejaculation), as well as the amount of hair on the body are important. Important The trochanteric index—the ratio of the length of the legs to the length of the body—plays a role in determining the sexual constitution. This works for both men and women. How much sex do people with different sexual constitutions want? Strong PCS They want sex from once a day. Here everything is as simple as shelling pears, up to the age of 32 it can be sex 1-4 times a day, and after that less and less. Every 10 years, subtract 1-2 times from your individual figure... everything is quite simple. Average PC The desire to be 32 years old occurs 3-4 times a week. Next, subtract one time from the starting indicator for each ten-year-old. Example: Up to 32 years - 3-4 times a week 32-45 years - 2-3 times a week 45-55 years -1-2 times a week 55-65 years -1- 2 times a week Weak PC Everything is simple here. You want sex from once a week to once a year. What follows from this? Having found out your partner’s sexual constitution, you can think in advance whether you are ready to build a long-term relationship with a partner who wants sex less/more than you? My partner and I have different degrees desires, but we want to maintain the relationship. What to do? The answer is quite simple) come together for a consultation with a sexologist, I will help you understand this issue: environmentally friendly, safe and comfortable for both partners, and most importantly effective! Sincerely, Your sexologist, Svetlana Korablinova.
