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Numerous studies in recent years, analysis of materials devoted to the problem of stress indicate that truly effective and harmless medications for the prevention of stress that do not cause side effects still do not exist. At the same time, it should be noted that it is impossible to eliminate all the causes leading to it. However, this does not mean that a person is defenseless against stress. It is possible and necessary to resist this illness, and this must be done through awareness and daily practice of the qualities that everyone is capable of developing in themselves. Self-observation In everyday life, we rarely think about what we do, say, think, eat. If we notice, it is most often behind others: loud speech, tactless behavior, bad manners, etc. However, looking at others means forgetting about yourself. And then we fall under the influence of circumstances and other people. Stress necessarily means being influenced. When I observe myself, I am able to evaluate my own reaction to what is happening around me. This is the first step. The second is to learn to separate yourself from what is happening. The world and the events in it exist outside of us, and art lies in not allowing them inside ourselves. Then, observing everything from the outside, we will be able (with the power of discrimination) to objectively assess what is good and what is bad, what is useful and what is harmful, and make the right decision. You failed. Don’t blame yourself, fate does not beat us for mistakes, but because we repeat them without learning a lesson from them. Unfortunately, the problem with our society is that we are still taught to consider ourselves failures. Since school. There was always someone in the class who was better than everyone else, and everyone else was worse, second class. Only one is victorious and prospers, but the rest are not. Thus, from early childhood we are taught to fail, not to win. Meanwhile, failure is nothing if I use it as an opportunity to learn. This is an exam. This is a step to victory. With this attitude, I easily recover, that is, I come out of stress. Consider any situation as an experience that should teach you something: courage, patience, flexibility, wisdom. This is a test of stability, inner strength. To restore your lost balance, spend some time alone, alone with yourself. And don’t try to blame someone, try to see your own mistake - it always exists! Do not retell the situation to everyone, do not fan the flame, but extinguish it. Acceptance We live in a world of confrontation. We all resist each other. One government opposes another, people counteract people, organizations counteract organizations. No one wants to accept others as they are - whoever they are, whatever they do. And you need to learn to overcome your resistance and enter a state of acceptance. Only rejection can come from opposition, and from acceptance comes understanding, forgiveness, and sympathy. Without this, stress cannot be overcome. Let's imagine that someone is doing something clearly wrong. This does not mean that our acceptance must approve of his actions. No. First of all, we need to understand the reasons for his actions. Most likely, wrong actions have deep reasons that lie in diseases of the mind. Let's accept this, and then start helping him - this will be acceptance. Otherwise, you can spend your whole life pointing fingers, criticizing, getting upset, complaining about how many people are doing wrong, which is what is happening today. So imperceptibly life turns into the channel of chronic stress. Understanding time What do we look at most often? For a watch. Hanging on the wall, standing on the table, decorating our wrist, they show the time. And looking at them, we even feel like masters of time. But can time be contained in a mechanism? Of course not, it only creates the impression of time, while real time flows by itself. When we have nothing to do, the day drags on forever; when there are a lot of interesting things to do, the day flies by in an instant. So we feel twotype of time: alarm clock and real time based on experience. The experience of observing oneself, the feeling of being outside of time, helps to overcome the destructive influence of stress. We're just watching. Since everything that happens is determined, i.e. Causally determined, when we are in the state of an outside observer, time does not rush us, creating pressure. The feeling of a lack of time gives rise to negative thinking, and we no longer expect anything good from time. By observing it, we can see how closely it is related to our condition. Expectations have begun to control the life of a modern person. By learning to manage ourselves, we can rise above all problems that lead to stress. How can we learn to manage ourselves, our thoughts, words, feelings? How to make your life worthy of the high destiny that is destined for everyone? Your own doctor Ask any person: “What is your definition of success?” Perhaps he will answer that he wants to earn a million, or become a director of a company, or something else like that. But, perhaps, on reflection, he will clarify: “I want to be happy.” This will be a more accurate and mature definition of true values, because the real values ​​in life are not objects, not social status or acquaintances (also sources of sustainable stress!), but internal experiences of peace, joy, satisfaction, love and much more that are not tangible , but necessary. Intangible, spiritual values ​​fill our thinking, feelings, and relationships. And the art of mastering oneself and managing stress lies in the ability to demonstrate one’s true values. The nature of my actions in response to the actions of people, to the world around me, determines my ability to react - with or without stress. You can imagine how the energy of anger spreads and accumulates in your body: as if there are antennas in the cells that collect signals from the mind and accumulate them. Whenever a person is angry, he gives food to this energy. And gradually the cells begin to function incorrectly. Be your own doctor, because you can hear your own feelings better than anyone else. Of course, if you have physical ailments, you need to see a doctor and be treated with medications. But before you have a disease on the physical level, you will receive signals at the level of your feelings, and only you know what these signals are and how to respond to them. You are your own best doctor. Some people believe that stress is a normal part of life. In the business world, you can even hear that stress contributes to good results. However, it is enough to look at the large number of heart attacks to understand that this is an abnormal phenomenon, because in fact, stress destroys all our achievements. Stress in its pure form is a physical (or physiological) phenomenon, and rest and relaxation help get rid of it. They help, but as soon as we return to our activities, to our previous relationships with people, stress returns, because it is much deeper than just a physical phenomenon and experience. Do not run away from stress, but understand its origins. It is a mistake to believe that a change in diet, humor, your vacation will completely relieve you of stress. Maybe a few decades ago a good vacation would have helped us relax, but today flight delays, unsuitable food, people speaking an incomprehensible language, etc. make relaxation very problematic. There was a time when in the parks a large number of people did physical exercise, jogging, and when they returned home, they could no longer do anything because they were too tired. We should not run away from stress, we must understand where comes the experience of stress. A large amount of work, excessive busyness, 14-hour working days are not the cause of stress. An example of this is two people who do the same work in an equal amount, but one is always worried, anxious, in fear from the abundance of work, while the other has no problems, he always completes everything on time and enjoys his work. Conclusion: it’s not about what and what.
