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“What will people think?” The phrase is in many ways a guide, leading in the selection process, unfortunately for some. Where does it come from in the vocabulary of a particular person? As a rule, it is passed on by parents. More often, according to my observations, it’s my mother. “Behave well!” What will people think?”… “Dress decently. What will people think?”… “Pull yourself together! What will people think?”…“Don’t cry!”, “Don’t laugh out loud!”, “Keep your opinion to yourself!”… and, “trailer”, of course, “…what will people think?” All this is usually said with a special grimace on the face and eyes widened as if from fear - in a breathy whisper or loudly and demandingly. Have you seen this? Did you hear? Have you met? I think almost everyone. And even this in relation to an adult: “Don’t get a divorce! Be patient! What will people think?” This phrase for staying in a place where you have to endure a lot sometimes works. But how healthy is such motivation? What do you think? Not really, right? “What will people think?”...And who exactly will think? What exactly are we talking about? Such questions are often perplexing... “What will people think? … "Who exactly? Well, for example?". And in response: “Well, someone. I don’t know” or “That’s it.” If there was no deadlock and the answer was something like “Neighbors”... Is it really worthwhile, while living YOUR LIFE, to focus on these specific people - on your neighbors, for example? And if not neighbors, but someone from a closer circle, are their thoughts really so important to you - so much so as to poison your life with what you don’t like? But what, in fact, will they really think? what you do and how you act? About you? In most cases, nothing! Strangers, not close ones, unless very, very rarely they think about you for a few seconds or minutes, and then again plunge into their own life and solving their own problems. After all, the vast majority, fortunately, and in some cases, unfortunately, are focused on themselves. It is possible that those who like to “wash bones” will do this. Such lovers, however, are not so great for you to base yourself on their opinion? Relatives and lovers, no matter what they think momentarily, will still love and remain family, unless you do something extremely terrible in relation to them, with their points of view. Although, sometimes, relatives forgive something other than that. “What will people think?”...???...If this phrase has already negatively affected your life, choices and state of mind, maybe it’s time to stop focusing on it? Maybe it's time to protect yourself from being exposed to it from the outside? Maybe it's time to start improving your self-confidence or something like that? What do you think? More texts: The vicissitudes of fate and the hands of God You have the right to leave How I felt life again Do you want to be comfortable or loved, Lucia?
