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Today we will talk about what happens to our body when we do not allow ourselves to express this or that emotion. As an example, we will use the feeling of shame and think about what psychosomatic illnesses this can manifest in the body. How does shame settle in our body? As small children, we could hear from our parents “Shame on you” or “Shame on you to look me in the eye.” So the child stands with red cheeks and drooping eyes and experiences a charge of shame mixed with guilt, sometimes not even understanding why this is so and what happened. From this example, we can understand that the feeling of guilt has settled precisely in the eyes and cheeks. What happens in life? I showed it to myself once in childhood and received a scolding from my parents, saying, “Shame on you.” And you live with this conviction that being yourself is not very good. But someday there comes a time when a person still wants to express himself and even does it successfully. But shame still lives in my cheeks and eyes. The person begins to suffer from rashes, vision problems, and very often get problems with the respiratory system. Here we looked at the example of shame, but any emotion can settle in any organ. At the Training Course “Theory and Practice of Working with Psychosomatics” we learn to understand in which organ which emotion lives, but what should a person who does not have a psychological education do? What to do? We can work with techniques with a person who comes for a consultation bodily therapy. And I recommend doing this in a simplified format for yourself. But remember, you can get the best results by working with a psychologist, because an important part is experiencing those childhood situations when you were taught to do this to yourself. Unfortunately, it is very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to do this on your own. And so, an exercise. Try to feel the feeling of shame! In what part of the body does it live? Name these body parts for yourself. And now they need to be “spread apart” well. For example, if your shame lives in your face, make a good face, or stretch your face with your hands; if it lives in your legs, move your legs. This will help to “break” the body block and release feelings and desires. You can use this exercise in stressful situations for yourself, in solitude somewhere. Remember, shame is also a resource source that helps you understand what you really want Did you like the article? Write your opinion in the comments. With love for your sores, psychologist, psychosomatologist, sexologist, family coach, Tatyana Pavlenko. #healthy_psychosomatics
