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Sometimes we place excessive responsibility on ourselves, other people, or exaggerate the influence of certain factors on the situation or on the emergence of emotions and feelings. At the same time, we lose sight of the fact that we are often unable to significantly influence the course of events, and there are components that have much greater weight in shaping the situation. This technique will allow you to determine the entire range of factors that influenced the event in question, as well as your share of responsibility for this or that outcome. To build our “pie” it is necessary: ​​1) Identify a problem situation in which we place responsibility on one person (or factor). 2) At the second stage, it is necessary to identify other factors that influenced the event in question: other participants in the situation, in addition to those indicated. At this stage, we can determine the degree of influence of each of them on the current situation (in percentage). When determining the value for each of the factors, you need to start not with yourself - you should give a numerical assessment of your actions last.3) Make a pie chart: draw a circle, dividing it into segments corresponding to the significance (in percentage) of each identified element in the problem situations. Let's consider the application of this technique using an elementary example. Let's say you were laid off at work and you saw the main reason in your low qualifications. Try to determine other factors that influenced you to get into such an unpleasant situation (in percentage terms). This may include intrigues of employees (20%), and a bad mood of the boss (10%), company policy aimed at rejuvenating the staff (30%), excessive burden of public affairs, interfering with the performance of the main job (15%) and, finally, the level Your qualifications (25%).
