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And by relaxing too. What are we talking about? After watching another TV series, movie, or reading a self-help book, you give yourself the attitude: “from now on I live in a new way”! Tempters can come to the rescue and shout in your ears and eyes: “buy the training in a box, and you will improve your power over yourself so much that you will become a different person.” A great opportunity in a wonderful country. Fools. I have news for you - you can’t achieve change this way. This is the same as trying to cross a ficus with a strawberry at home. You can try to do this, but in special laboratory conditions and together with a specialist. And even then, it’s not a fact that a new Mendel will come across as a mentor. It is unlikely that the harvest will be harvested quickly. Psychology businessmen offer to cut here, sew here, as if this is actually possible. You can sew on a sleeve, or cut off a dried branch. Changing yourself is more difficult than changing the color of water by simply rinsing an art brush in it. I was recently at a bookstore and was amazed at the abundance of self-help books. This is great literature. I can safely say that by itself it will not be the magical tool that annotations call it. It’s like a bad thing: no one knows whether it actually works. I remind you of the thesis of my previous note - PERSONALITY IS FORMED IN ACTIVITY. Reading makes you a well-read, erudite person. Watching video trainings - a person who is trendy, fashionable and open to new things. But this does not change the core of the personality. Personality changes the activities in which you are involved. What do you want to change? Start doing new things more often under the same conditions. Start doing this again and again, step by step and gradually. Perhaps in one situation it will be a smile that is unusual for you, in another - a morning without turning on the laptop, or a dinner of vegetables and lean meat. It’s even better to take the first steps of change in a psychotherapist’s office - it’s safe and guarantees you that there won’t be a breakdown or psychological trauma. For example, in order to learn to do everything on time, you should first of all recognize what is inside your soul that you don’t want to discover, experience the presence of this terrible beast inside, look at it, and then act, receiving support in which there will be no punishments saturated with a burning sense of guilt for broken deadlines and promises. It is possible to lift weights while gritting your teeth and being unprepared. But no one guarantees that you won't break your back…
