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From the author: Electronic magazine "Ecosophy" No. 2 Summary of the training course "Man of the New Epoch" Man of the New Epoch In the beginning was the Word! Man lives by his Word! This is the law of potentials of the Word of the Father. The Word of the Father consists of 8 positions. The organization of the etheric field occurs through the Word of the Father. The etheric body has 32 fields. The field is synthesized by the Father and Mother in synthesis - OM. From this a certain energy is born as a field structure. Energy consists of the Word of the Father, and the Word of the Father consists of eight positions. When the brain begins to decipher a word, it deciphers not the letters, but the potentials that are embedded in the word. The energy of etheric fields is built by the potentials that a person carries in the field. And the potentials have an octal structure. The Word of the Father consists of the potential of fire, which is inherent in the spoken word. The same word may be pronounced, but it may be saturated with different fire. In the past era, the Word of the Father was without Fire, it expressed Spirit and Light. The Teaching of the Spirit, as the Word of the Father, activates energy for application and implementation in the surrounding life. The fire of saturation of the word is called potential. The Word of the Father carries eight potentials interconnected. 8 – Fire. 7 – Spirit. 6 – Light. 5 – Energy. 4 – Fire-forming. 3 – Form. 2 – Contents 1 – Field. When all the potentials are combined, a field with its own energy structure is obtained. Energy is the addition of fire, spirit, light, energy, fire image, form and content among themselves in one field. The synthesis of the potentials of the Word of the Father, organized in one field, causes the energy potential inside a person. The Word of the Father is in man, and man creates a certain energy around himself, emanates fire, spirit, light. At the same time, the Word of the Father itself remains inside. The Word of the Father is written inside, and outside he emanates with his potentials and creates what is called life. It is very important for a person to think: what fire, spirit, light and energy does he live by? What presence or laws of what globe? If a person needs to change a thought, he first needs to straighten his field, which creates this thought. Very often, to understand something, the built-up energy is not enough. By changing inside, a person changes the external conditions of existence.
