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From the author: When relationships begin to deform, the most important thing is to find a way to eliminate the deformation. What do we do when we meet someone significant to us? Yes - yes, that's right! We introduce ourselves to him, that is, we tell him about ourselves: who we are, what is important to us, what we love, what we strive for, etc. If another person is interested, close, in what we have told and demonstrated, then we build our further relationship with him - we become friends, spouses, good neighbors... Time passes, living conditions change, aspirations, desires, our attitudes - we change. But another person may not know about this because of the distance or constant busyness with their daily affairs... In a family, for example, spouses begin to suffer from growing mutual misunderstanding, mistrust, dissatisfaction... “What happened?”, “Why?”, “After all.” It was different before!” - they begin to ask themselves, their friend, their girlfriend. Then they come with the question “What to do?” to a psychologist. An exercise that will help a couple track the changes occurring in each other, it is very simple, but very, very important in order to remain close in spirit, way of thinking, outlook on life, desires and goals. Both must answer the following questions in writing, marking three positions in each question: 1. How do you think it is necessary to express love, friendship, and respect for each other? 2. What kind of person would you like to remain in the memory of other people? 3. What do you personally strive for, what do you want to achieve, how do you see your life in 5-7 years? Be sure to let each other read what you have written about yourself. At least once a month, and you will feel great changes in your life! Do you have any doubts? Check it out! What main events in your life made you experience various unpleasant emotions: fear, resentment, disappointment, pain? What did you do at such moments? Do you agree that the most necessary thing at such moments is action and a willingness to start looking for ways to resolve the difficulty that has arisen? Friends, please share your experience in this direction! If you are interested in this topic, let me know by leaving a review or comment. Thank you! And see you again!
