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The skin is an extension of the reproductive system and therefore, due to long-rooted shame, we try to cover it as much as possible with layers of clothing. We decided a long time ago to separate ourselves from the animal in us and therefore behind clothes we hide our extinguished flame of life and even goes as far as acts of painful self-suffocation from oncology of the lymph, blood and skin itself, giving rise to a medicine that itself avoids contact with the sexual. But the skin connects us with nature and gives a true sense of existence among all things, and therefore the appearance of the skin depends entirely on the balance of the elements within a person, therefore the skin is the most striking indicator of health and the amount of life in a person. The skin is an organ of symphony: feelings, states, balance of energies and sensations. All organs of perception are also skin, even the eyes. The skin sees, hears and understands and is very extrasensory, it perceives the magnetic field, weather, smells, light and much that a person does not notice due to stiffness. Through stiffness, you can even lose contact with the skin and seem to “take revenge” on the living world by dying from skin cancer, cursing and indignant at how “shameless” nature is in its wild nature. Many people constantly live in the desire to constantly shame everything around them, noticing only ugliness around them, reaching to such a degree of hypocrisy that they become living corpses, exuding the characteristic smell of senile moldiness and malice. That's why the skin shows so well how alive or dead a person is. The skin well shows a personal attitude towards the celebration of the life of the human species in the animal sense of these words. But sometimes, from hypocrisy, you can hate people and the human being inside so much that you can dry out alive inside yourself. Since the skin is an indicator of the living, you can safely diagnose internal diseases using it and, in principle, read a person, especially by smell. And if you hold back the ecstasy, you can even get very large chronic burns. After all, man is by nature very free and ecstatic. A person through ecstasy is very energetically strong and simply cannot live without laughter, dancing and songs. If you haven't done this in a while, you need to do it intentionally. Otherwise, there may be eczema, psoriasis, cellulite and other skin phenomena. The energy and biofield for the skin are real and very strong, and if this river of sensations is blocked all the time, it can turn into a swamp, and therefore a person needs ecstasy precisely for this, but from stiffness They mainly use their genitals as pumps. Diseases begin where even an orgasm cannot cope. Therefore, it is so important for health in general to shake up petrified feelings in order to return oneself to one’s natural image and thereby independently heal even the most ancient deposits of diseases, including birth cancer, diabetes, excess weight, bad habits and much more. Of course, rocking a fossil is very painful and too crazy for many. The skin reflects the image of a person so well and in the process of ecstatic search for one’s naturalness, it will certainly appear. As soon as essential contact with the internal image appears, both hair and nails come into order and excess weight will go away and the skin and bones will be restored. It should be noted that the inner image lives in the world of essence, and this is a shamanic world already inflamed by the love of life, which gives a sense of style and can greatly improve the condition of facial skin. This is how a complete image of a person and his special unique happiness arises. The skin is the cradle of a person for life and is intended as the highest feeling of comfort, when it is warm and when healthy. The skin is the walls of the temple of God. Therefore, if something hurts on the outside, it’s time to find contact with the divine inside, and for this the skill of scanning oneself from the inside and regulating one’s attitude towards life is important, then a person is conceived as a completely autonomous being, but this is revealed with a sufficient level of looseness. All diseases are diseases of stiffness. The best thing for skin and health is ecstatic dancing, this is the most reliable way to avoid surgery and heavy medications. Otherwise, having accumulated pain, you can
