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I really love male clients. To be honest, I love men in everyday life too. I like them. There is less fuss and uncertainty from them than from women. And then, one fine day, a man came to me. Not my type - but is it possible to think about this in front of a client? No. But the thoughts cannot be stopped. He gets to know me. Clearly wants to be liked. For what? But he wants to, and I don’t stop him. If you like it, try hard. I was in a playful mood that day. But the problem the man came with was not serious at first glance. - He considered himself not serious. Frivolous. Not stable in his opinion. He also said that he really likes to joke, and joke sarcastically. So what's wrong with that? - I asked. And the whole point is that a woman appeared in his life who turned his whole worldview upside down. And ever since then he considers himself wrong, strange. And he wants to change a lot in himself for her sake. Oh, what a strange desire! But the client's desire is the law. This is the main condition for consumer services!) Well, I say, let's find out what kind of person you want to become, and what path we will take in order to achieve the desired result as quickly as possible. And in the conversation it turns out that in childhood, as a boy, his mother told him that the way he is, no one will need him. But if he becomes good and changes, then his mother will love him deeply. And now from the current long-awaited girl he hears the same phrase, which gives him hope for the love that he could not receive from his mother. And this same man believed all his life that there would be a person for whom he would change in exchange for love. And he still believes it to this day. But it’s good, I think, that the moment has come, and even thanks to this girl, when the time has come to deal with my fears, dislike, acceptance and lack of him in my life. That now, by a great and wonderful chance, perhaps he will be able to understand himself, accept and love without any changes or with the changes that he himself wants. I'm sure everything happens for a reason. And this story confirms the rule I have learned over the years - nothing happens for nothing. Everything has its own impetus, and the beginning of a path that will provide a resource for a lifetime.
