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The author of the constellation research was a man, about 40 years old, let's call him Yaroslav. He told us the following: “The film “Fight Club” from 1999 turned out to be significant for me. The ideas for the film went very deep into my head. They are still sitting there, so you understand, I dropped out of college to join the army and test myself just because of this film. I believe that a better movie than this will never be made again. This film is one big provocation. He destroys many stereotypes. To this day, I live guided by the ideals and ideas of this film. At first glance, it may seem that the film is about how men fight. But if you watch the film 10 times, you will realize that there is not a second of useless information in it. Not for a second! There are just a million quotes there! One of them: “Sometimes we hurt those we love, but sometimes it’s the other way around!” Every second of this film has a deep meaning. Today I want to look at what this film means to me, that I need to see more, why it has become so strong, why it has penetrated me so much, entered my consciousness. This film is a rebellion of a generation that was 30 years old in 2000 , a riot of well-fed people. And this, in essence, is a film about the development of a man without a father. In order to attract the gaze of God or the founding fathers, cities are destroyed for this purpose. This happens only because someone was brought up without a father.” Figures in the arrangement Deputy “Yaroslav.” Deputy “The narrator who has no name, a real person in the film.” Deputy “A daring subpersonality that did all the dark things in the film.” Deputy “The idea of ​​the film.” Deputy “What I need to see, the meaning, the messages, why do I need all this.” Image of arrangement (I will omit the word deputy): Yaroslav: “I am very comfortable and the music of this film plays in me, I am in at ease.” The idea of ​​the film: “My figure looks down on society and sees that all men are passive, and I need masculine leaders who will blow up the world in principle, change the world no matter in which direction, for the worse or for the better.” . I need normal active adult men to finally appear, real Vikings, bearers of male power with male dignity, with male honor. The idea of ​​the film is the global development of masculinity. All about men. Narrator: “It’s boring to the point of nausea, it’s boring, the total control of my life is overwhelming.” Daring: “I am a male figure. I am engaged in pushing the space, freeing the space in the center of the ring from the test approaching from all sides, again and again I gather my strength and once again free up the space in the center of the ring.” Meaning: “I am a man here who committed suicide.” Additional information from the client: “I had a relative on my father’s side, Rosa Lvovna. She hanged herself." Rosa Lvovna: “Dying, I make a suggestion to my descendants: Such a powerful manifestation of the masculine is dangerous. Because of such male fireworks, fragile female destinies like mine are crippled. Remember this. Be careful with the manifestation of masculine energy. It’s better not to be a man than to lead to such disastrous consequences.” Daring: “I’m definitely a man. I am connected with Rosa Lvovna. What happened to her resonates with me through numbness and pain in my right hand. I can no longer expand the circle and clear the ring, I fall into depression and regret. My current state is completely opposite to the frantic activity that was at the beginning. I have apathy and don’t want to do anything.” Rosa Lvovna: “When I was dying, I cursed the masculine, and said - you brought me down, let at least my death crush you all. The violence from men was unbearable for me. And I died. But I won. The cat will shed a mouse’s tears.”***Summary: So, for Yaroslav, the film is a reflection of family history. And the family history is no less dense than the film. Decision: Yaroslav took Rosa Lvovna by the hands, looked into her eyes and said: “I see you. You are my relative. You committed suicide. You chose it. You had your reasons. You had difficult feelings. I am a man.2266880
