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Many older people still remember how they forcibly retrained left-handed children, considering them almost a fiend from hell. What is the reason? At that time it was economically difficult to make tools for left-handed people. For example, a fountain pen, a scythe, a sewing machine, etc. Nowadays, all this has ceased to be a problem and even a violin or keyboard for left-handed people is not difficult to find, not to mention ballpoint pens with which you can even draw with your feet. If the question still arises whether to relearn or not, I think that it is categorically not to relearn. for the development of speech, reading, writing, logical and analytical thinking, spatial orientation skills and subsequently the need to seek help from a speech therapist (at best) and the likelihood of learning difficulties, due to the lag in the development of brain structures responsible for speech functions in left-handed people, which, as a result of retraining, remain, are not involved. The likelihood of neurosis during retraining increases sharply, which sometimes leads to more severe consequences than stuttering (speech therapist) and lack of self-confidence (psychologist, speech pathologist, neurologist, psychiatrist, narcologist). Imagine that you were forced to walk not with your feet, but with your hands, simply because everyone walks with their hands. With the same success, you can simply cut off a child’s main hand (the stronger of the paired organs). Left-handedness does not complicate life in any way, neither during training nor when choosing a profession, nor in work. Your left-hander has absolutely no reason to endure unnecessary suffering in the modern standard of living. At the same time, you need to know that left-handers have more developed imaginative thinking than right-handers. They are more emotional and need to be taught to manage their emotions, work related to creativity and humanitarian professions is more suitable for them, they delve into a problem faster, they are good intuitives than right-handers who need consistent systematic study. How to determine the leading hand? It’s easy to check which part of the world’s population you belong to: - Cross your arms over your chest. Which elbow is on top? - Clasp your hands, which thumb is on top? - Try to step without thinking, which leg comes forward? - Squint as if you were shooting, the eye that remains open is the leading one. Why do you need to know your leading hand? When teaching skills, parents will need some patience as the child will need to get used to and sometimes find their own way to master the skills through trial and error. Since there are few left-handed people, the whole world is organized from left to right: street traffic, opening doors, movement of clock hands, reading from left to right, difficulties when trying to repeat manual skills (for example, it is difficult to imitate sewing after your mother). Does your child need to know whether he is left-handed by the age of 4 - During this period, preparation for school begins, an important part of which is the development of fine motor skills of the hand. If, due to a misunderstanding, you begin to develop the non-dominant hand, this can lead to overwork of the child, aversion to writing. Note that your child is not necessarily left-handed or right-handed, he may have equally developed both hemispheres of the brain and hands, respectively, so your child is not always left-handed , if he does something with both his left and right hands. For these and other questions, you should consult a specialist.
