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This type of human condition is quite common in our time and is heard by everyone. It can be determined by a person’s appearance and behavior - fatigue, apathy, an almost complete lack of motivation and faith in oneself and the future. One way or another, we have all encountered the blues, boredom and apathy. And if you feel this condition for only a few days, then it does not pose a danger and is generally considered normal. You can wait it out, collect your thoughts and move on with your life. But if this state drags on for weeks, months and years, then you need to pay attention and consider this state in more detail. And the first thing you need to start with is to find out the reasons for its appearance. Any life crisis can lead to depression: divorce, separation and separation from loved ones, death of relatives, illness, long-term exposure to critical difficult situations, constant failure in business and personal relationships, condemnation of a person by relatives and significant people, lack of love and care. They can arise in adolescence. During this period, there is an active reassessment of values, strong internal changes, a change in worldview and worldview. And sometimes a person does not have enough resources to cope with such a period and he gives up. That is, a person creates the belief that he will never succeed in anything else in life, the world is too aggressive and cruel, he is stronger, there is no point in fighting. The world becomes dangerous, there is a feeling of powerlessness and a basic distrust of people and everything that happens. A person feels inferior, unnecessary, lonely, useless. At some point, somewhere deep inside, a breakdown occurs, a breakdown in faith in oneself and the future, deep disappointment sets in, loss of the meaning of existence and the desire for success. This means that along with the disappearance of faith, the future also disappears. Therefore, depression is a loss of faith and a break with the future. No future - no life. There is a stop in development and a slow decline of the personality. This is the most difficult condition, which requires not only drug treatment, but also spiritual treatment. Therefore, if you are faced with this problem, do not try to solve it only with medications. This requires high-quality and in-depth work of a specialist psychologist, and not just a physician. Now I want to address those who are looking for ways out of this crisis state and carry a spark of hope.1. You should know that there is, always has been and will be a way out of depression and other life crises. And if you don’t see a way out, it doesn’t mean there isn’t one.2. To get out of depression, you need to remember your soul. It feels like something familiar, close, intelligent in the chest area. The soul is intuition, our source of positive feelings, vital energy and faith. If the source is blocked, emptiness occurs. Intuition manifests itself in a person’s life in the form of “random” unlikely events, miraculous healings, strange circumstances of luck, sudden insights, signs of fate. It manifests itself in the form of hidden abilities, prophetic dreams, premonitions. Contact with intuition brings a state of peace, harmony, joy and inner trust in yourself and the whole world. Children come into the world in contact with intuition, but in the process of development, saturated with the negative atmosphere of fears and beliefs of the social environment, they forget their deep source of guidance, losing their inner core and support. Every person in life can find quite a lot of unusual phenomena, which indicate that there is a hidden force inside a person that helps him on his life’s path.3. Throw away your logical reasoning and eternal regrets about the past. Sit down and think about what you really want in life? What does your soul want? Because only desires coming from the heart lead to success! Only then will your source of strength open and help you achieve your goals. There is a future - there is life.4. Write a letter to your soul. And read it to her every day with love and faith. For example:“Thank you for existing, for loving me and helping me find harmony. Thank you for being so kind and caring. I give you the freedom to develop and make me happy. I love you!" You can write your own letter, but it must come from the heart and evoke warm feelings. I wouldn’t be surprised if from this moment on, small, and maybe even big, miracles begin to happen in your life.5. Every evening, schedule tomorrow for yourself. What will you do, how will you feel, what will you think about?6. Every evening, sit down and write down what positive happened today.7. When looking at yourself in the mirror, greet yourself with kind words and wish yourself success.8. Add variety to your life, change your surroundings, clothes, places to go. Explore and get to know your surroundings!9. Do more of what you want and less of what you don’t want. Switch to pleasure. Start with the little things. Fulfill even the smallest and strangest desires, for example, to buy summer shoes in winter, or a pineapple at two in the morning, etc.10. Create your own image of health and try to try it on, that is, feel it with your whole body and soul. Imagine that you are already out of the crisis. How are you feeling? What are you thinking about? What do you want to do? Try it on every day and wear it with pleasure. And now I turn to family and friends who want to help. Rules of communication and behavior with people in depressed states. Do not demand from a person what he cannot do. In a state of depression, it is very difficult to move a person, because he doesn’t want anything, nothing makes him happy. Therefore, do not scold him, do not make him guilty, do not put pressure. Otherwise, you will only develop in him an even stronger feeling of guilt and self-contempt. Try to talk with him about the near bright future. For example: “Tomorrow you and I will go buy curtains and hang them in the kitchen. It will be cozy and beautiful in the house. All your relatives will be happy and you will like it too, you’ll see.” “We all go out of town on the weekends. Let's cook barbecue and take a walk in the forest. There are such pleasant smells there now, squirrels are running under your feet, you can feed them. They will be glad to see you." Since a person does not have his own future, he lives only in the present, your task is to help him see the future, at least tomorrow. These seem like little things, but this is where the way out of the crisis begins. Help the person be needed. Turn to him for help, ask for advice, praise him to raise self-esteem and turn his thoughts to activity. Bring something new into the decor in the room, give this person small gifts, offer to update his wardrobe. Go on a journey. Believe in the person. With your confidence, you will give him the strength to live on and rise from his knees. I would like to highlight situations when the crisis is so deep that a person withdraws into himself, can retreat into illusions, dreams, unrealistic fantasies, for example, computer games. People quit their jobs, forget their family, children, friends. They don’t want to hear anything, change anything, they are comfortable in their illusory world. The requests of relatives go unheeded; the person does not want to go to a specialist. In this case, it becomes difficult to help on your own. If you still understand that the person is listening to you, then all is not lost. You need to instill in a person the belief that he will succeed. And for this he needs to be offered a choice. “You have two options. Or you move down very quickly and easily. There is nothing down there, only emptiness, cold and death. There you will lose everything, be left completely alone, and slowly disappear. Or now we are moving upward together with you. You will have to work a little hard on this path. But everything awaits you - a new harmonious future, new people, love, success. I will always be by your side, we will walk together. We can handle everything. I know for sure it's worth it. Trust me. Many people have risen from their knees, and you will succeed.” One way or another, these paths prescribe the future that a person must choose. If there is even a drop of hope within him, he will choose the path upward. May be,.
