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This is a continuation of the series of my articles on abuse. At this stage, you have been with the abuser for a long time and have gone through such stages as: reconnaissance, seduction, first attack, forgiveness, turning on the tap, where life turns into a continuous attack-rest. We found out which women abusers choose. And we reached the meat grinder. We reached the meat grinder, what are the signs? At this stage of your relationship, rest from attacks disappears completely. And a mode of endless scrolling of you begins, like in a meat grinder. The abuser already has power over you, he has finally achieved complete control, the absence of your will. He is constantly being treated at your expense. Previously, you still tried to fight, argue with gaslight, prove how good you are, there was a time when you still held on. He really enjoyed suppressing your resistance and driving you into hysterics. Now next to him is a half-human who doesn’t care what happens to him, be it a meat grinder or a food processor. But at this stage, you are still active, despite the fact that your soul has flown to heaven within five minutes. There is no longer any strength to resist, fight, or argue. The victim may try to resist from time to time, it will seem that there is still a resource. Of course have. When it’s completely gone, he himself will leave you until better times, to recover. But more on that in the next article. In a meat grinder, the abuser behaves like the owner. They present you with a lot of claims, reproaches, and they may beat you up. There is no longer a single compliment, support or apology. All his “love”, which in fact caused him long-term frustration and envy, turned into his real feelings for you - contempt and hatred. You have already stopped thinking that this is an accident, it’s about you and he is able to change. You guess that he deliberately pulls emotions out of you and stirs up scandals. What happens to the victim at this stage? Destruction of psychological and physical health. Neuroses, anxiety, panic attacks, fears, destroyed self-esteem, diseases that do not go away. I constantly get sick, my head hurts every day. Problems with body weight arise and hair falls out. And this is due not only to the fact that a destroyed psyche causes health problems, but also to the fact that you are criminally neglected. For example: They take you fishing with them in spartan conditions, and when you get sick, they simply leave you lying in bed without pills. If you can handle it yourself, well done. No? After some time, you will receive help, as one continuous reproach and his heroism that he helped you, a nonentity. And some people are abandoned altogether and even after a few days they do not bring pills. In general, leaving in any trouble is a delicacy. People are inclined to take hormonal pills, which cause weight to jump. Health problems arise. They are convinced of the importance and urgency of childbirth. There are many stories on the Internet that will make your hair stand on end. And a lot of scary things about abuse. They erase your individuality. Cut your hair, dye it. Make breasts, reduce breasts. Pump up your lips, pump out the gel from your lips. My client’s abuser told me for half a year how much he loves blondes, it’s a pity that she’s not a blonde. And when they got to the meat grinder, he brought the paint home and demanded that they paint it. She dyed her hair. Of course, he didn’t like it and there was humiliation and depreciation. You may be offered treatment in a neurosis clinic or in a psychiatric hospital. Constantly believing that you are mentally ill. And if you agree to lie down somewhere, then everyone will know about it, you see how sick she is and how I put up with her?" He made me hysterical, hit me on the head, and when I cried, he filmed me on his phone and mocked me. Collecting evidence my insanity, sent this to my mother and our mutual friends.”Whoever agreed to quit his job or go on maternity leave may end up in a state of lack of money, begging to get at least a penny from him for bread. With each article of mine, the fog gets thicker and thicker. And still not. We’re leaving. We’re all waiting for something. If you don’t mind the time and effort of an exhausting struggle, in which you will still be overworked and thrown out the door, like his ex-wives and girlfriends. Then at least know this: Don’t show that.!
