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Very often, an adult woman who received little attention from her father in childhood continues to seek such paternal attention from her men. This happens when the woman’s father was unavailable for the following reasons: He was not there at all (did not marry his mother) Left the family early Died when the woman was a child Worked a lot and was almost never at home He was in a modified state all the time. For example, he was almost always drunk. The girl grows up and the soul, which has never received fatherly love, begins to look for it in each partner. Only these men agree to perform fatherly functions for a very short time, then they get tired of serving the injuries of their immature partner and mutual claims begin. If the situation is for you familiar, I suggest you do a simple Exercise “Daddy’s Daughter” Purpose of the exercise: To help a woman see the scenario of looking for her dad in her partner, if there is one. Objectives of the exercise: Find commonalities between partners and the woman’s father Find differences between partners and the woman’s father Outline trends in overcoming the scenario. Inventory: Any story deck MAC or pictures from an Internet search engine Option-1. Working with the MAC story deck Select a closed story card that will symbolize your father. Answer the question: “How is this plot connected with my father, with his life and character?” Select a closed picture that will symbolize your first significant partner and think about how the image is connected to the essence of this person. Select a closed picture that personifies your current or recent partner and answer a similar question about this person. Look at all the images together and think about what they have in common? Find what fundamentally distinguishes the images from each other Mentally thank your father and write him a therapeutic letter that does not need to be sent, even if you keep in touch. The letter may contain the following content: “Dear dad, I have been looking for your traits in men for a very long time like .... (write exactly what traits you were looking for). Only all people are unique and no man will ever replace you for me ! I recognize this, realize it and take it into my heart with gratitude to you for life. You loved me as best you could (even if you didn’t know about your existence, he gave you life). You are my father and I am your daughter. I promise you from now on to see in your partner only a man and perhaps the father of my children, but not my father! Because I have only one father. It's you. With love and gratitude, your daughter….(name)” Option-2. Working with pictures from the Internet Everything is the same, just open the pictures in a search engine and call the numbers in order to select images for: Your father First significant partner Last partner Answer the same questions as in the first option. PS The technique is suitable for both online work and consultations in the office.© Family psychologist Natalia Filimonova, 2020. All rights reserved. A selection of techniques and exercises: Exercises for all occasions For colleagues: A real start to psychological practice on the website b.17
